Even now, after so many deadlines missed and promises broken, there are still members of the Qanon cult who think they must take action:
Those who don’t take direct action are busy burning down their own lives in the name of their shared delusion:
Even now, after so many deadlines missed and promises broken, there are still members of the Qanon cult who think they must take action:
Those who don’t take direct action are busy burning down their own lives in the name of their shared delusion:
I wonder what this guy’s organs would be worth in Dubai, or Shenzen.
Probably not so much. We might have to take a few just to be sure we’re covering his debt.
Until some veteran sniper says “fuck this asshole” and just takes him out. I’m surprised this doesn’t actually happen, and frequently, especially in places like Flint where the villains are pretty damn obvious.
His heart would fetch a high price, as it’s clearly never been used.
I wonder what the legal implications are of taking out ads that encourage would-be mass shooters to put their efforts into taking out ultra high net worth individuals, versus the general public? That would be an interesting turn of events that I might not feel awful encouraging…
We’re going to have to clear-cut the Rockies to get enough lumber to build all the guillotines.
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