Predictions made in 1923 about 2023

The Build For Tomorrow podcast did a story on this as well.

They focused on a common prediction of the time- that people wouldn’t need to work much anymore (or at least a lot less). People always laugh at this prediction because we all still work our asses off.

However, interestingly, it is coming to pass, it just doesn’t seem like it. We do work a lot less per human lifetime than we used to, and choose our work much more (which is equivalent to not working because nobody actually wants to do nothing for very long).

A significant factor in that is human lifespans have gotten much longer. We often have 20-40 years of retirement now, which never existed before. You worked until you dropped dead in your 60s, end of story.

It’s a great show, and I recommend a listen for all the details, which are important in understanding this prediction.