President Trump falsely claims 3000 death toll in Puerto Rico is a lie

Must be Paul Ryan’s version of “It’s not the dress that makes you look fat”

Insert ‘of course he bloody did’ gif here (since i can’t find it).

Dump is a flat earther, right? He really strikes me as a flat earther.

dunno if posted yet, but gives an interesting data-driven view of the administration:


But that’s just the base on top of which his personality disorders, his sociopathy, his profound, deliberate ignorance and general disdain for the idea of objective reality operates. He doesn’t care about the people who died and left to his own devices would never have ordered the federal government to help them, but he also can’t admit that the job done was anything less than stellar and his own role worthy of praise.


And the rest of the ghouls fall in line. 3,000 people are acceptable collateral damage if it means more tax cuts.

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They’ve been covering for him for a year.

Fifty weeks ago, following the devastation of Hurricane Maria, which we now know killed some 3,000 Americans in Puerto Rico, Democrats on the House Government Reform Committee called for hearings into the flawed federal response to the 2017 storms in Puerto Rico.

The Republican majority hemmed and hawed, dithered and stalled for nearly a year, before finally this month scheduling a hearing on 2017’s storms for Thursday — just in time for Hurricane Florence to hit the Carolina coast.


He then shrugged and walked away.

EVERY FREAKIN’ DAY!HTTPS9pMC53cC5jb20vZnVzaW9uLm5ldC93cC1jb250ZW50L3VwbG9hZHMvMjAxNi8wMy9jYW5ub3R1bnNlZTUuZ2lmP3Jlc2l6ZT00MDAlMkMyOTcmYW1wO3F1YWxpdHk9ODAmYW1wO3N0cmlwPWFsbAloglog

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They also do not vote directly for the President (you know, that whole thing we talk about ensuring everyone is represented here?), so they don’t matter to them. They’re US citizens who don’t get the full suite of rights that people on the mainland do.

Stupido Neeglecto!*

  • Nominally an Unforgivable Curse, but his Dumb Eater followers are cool with it.
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