Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/05/06/trump-lies-to-and-contradicts.html
the problem isn’t just that trump lies, it’s that trump lies so people die
US just broke 74000 deaths, the number is exploding, it’s clearly over 2000 per day now and growing which means we’re likely going over 100,000 in May and both federal and state governments have failed us all
Why nobody doesn’t just call him out in these photo ops is beyond me.
Like: “What the fuck is wrong with you?” or “Are you insane?” or “Look! There’s a shark!”
Next up - Trump denies that he every visited there. Imposter!
I’m assuming he just doesn’t know what sporadic means.
Sporadic for you but not sporadic for a lot of other people.
They should come up with a word for that…
Maybe “sporadic”?
ETA: I owe @theodore604 a coke
It will become self-fulfilling. PPE will become even more sporadic for people who say Dear Leader’s efforts have been sporadic.
I’m a dental assistant, our office was asked by our states DOH to stay open to alleviate ER visits from dental emergencies. We didn’t get N95s until the second week of April.
I hope she doesn’t fall out of a window.
Let’s not forget that every time he mentions a lot of people that these are imaginary people.
“Sporadic for you. . . the people who need it every day as part of their job. But you know, not for people in my administration or other toadies who support me.”
Already seems to be true. His administration has been stealing state’s purchases of PPE in order to funnel them, apparently, to his political cronies and areas with Republican politicians that need a boost in the polls. I.e. exactly the people who won’t contradict him.
It’s nice to see #Caligula45 warming to the concept of real-time fact checking.
He should look forward to much much much more of it.
I remember when we had a president for whom a headline with the only words “President Lies” would have been enough to shock the nation and draw attention to whatever it is he lied about. Now we need a string of clarifying words to help us keep track of which time, about what, and to whom.
Well do they go out live? Or are they pre-recorded? Maybe it does happen.
Ah, Trump. Forever counter-punching imagined slights. Even at an Oval Office event celebrating National Nurse Day with the head of the Natl. Assoc. of Nurse Practitioners. Stay classy.
*Edited for tense.
I’d like to place a bet: after the smoke clears from this debacle (a year or so down the road), the true American COVID-19 death toll up to May 6, 2020 will be recalculated to be 156,000.
He’s right though—for a lot of other people it hasn’t been sporadic, it’s been nearly non-existent.
He would have listened if it was a male nurse, I have no doubt.
As bad as things are getting in the USA, they are still nowhere near to Putin’s Russia.