Prime Climb is a fun tabletop game that uses math

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I own this game. It’s quite fun. It feels like a mathy version of the classic board game named Sorry. Going from 100 to 0 is quite interesting. The spaces with more colors have more divisors, so they offer more choices for moving backwards when dividing.

Tried playing it with my much younger half brother and he seemed to like it too, I do think it is a quite good way to introduce math stuff but most games I actually played with adults and like I said it’s an enjoyable mathy Sorry game. Can you tell I liked this game X-D I like a lot of board games.

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You had me at tabletop game.

You lost me at math.

(sorry, not my sort of game. I’m sure someone finds it fun, for some definition of the word fun)

Looks simple enough! The one thing that I think looks like it’s missing are color cards for the players. I see that more often in eurogames that really helps players remember which piece they are. Especially in complicated games with lots of things happening per turn, I really appreciate having one less thing to keep track of in my head.

Settlers of Catan is an actual fun boardgame that uses math. Specifically the statistical distribution of two six-sided dice.

This reminds me of the game I play with third grade students. We have a board with positions 1-36. Each kid gets four marbles. We roll three ten sided dice. They can then use any math operations they know to make a number from 1-36. They can then place one of their marbles on that spot. If there is already a marble there, it’s removed from the board and returned to its owner. The first one with three in a row wins.

It’s great for math and for logical thinking. I like how it teaches some kids that going for the knockout is a losing strategy. Most of the time, the person who wins never knocked anyone off because they focused on positions away from the other players.

I feel like I’d enjoy this, but the struggle I have with board games is finding a group of people who are all willing to play a particular game (given that I don’t go to actual gaming events). There’s always someone who has a problem with complicated rules, unfamiliar games, creative mechanics etc., so I’d guess asking players to do mental arithmetic is asking for trouble.

A better version of this game would be Lovelace and Babbage.

Way more theme, still with math

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fun =/= math

Please never teach children.

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