Originally published at: Las Vegas Judge attacked - Boing Boing
Just my opinion as a non-lawyer, but it seems less likely that the judge will reconsider this gentleman’s request for probation.
It will be on court cam soon.
My opinion as a soon-to-be lawyer is that you are correct.
That guy in the suit starting at about 30 seconds in…
Me no wanna sign in to the Youbber Tuber to watch it.
He’s a court clerk. He’s not exactly trained for combat, and courtroom security is definitely not in his job description. I applaud him for trying.
I was impressed at the beatdown he was handing out.
Also, he was the first person to check on the judge.
Yeah, I don’t agree with the characterization of the response as lackadaisical. Apparently there was only one uniformed, armed guard in the courtroom, and he responded immediately, and got quite a few good whacks on the attacker himself. The two suits who jumped in were a court clerk and some other court official, neither of whom were tasked with court security or trained for this sort of thing, so I applaud both for jumping in without hesitation. Now, maybe they should have had more guards in the room, or had one right next to the defendant, but I’m guessing this court doesn’t have a history of this sort of thing happening. I would prefer to keep the blame squarely on the attacker here.
The video is also on the news story
Watching this, she had time to press a special button that could bring up a protective shield , or otherwise present in front of the desk a barrier or defensive system that would prevent these sorts of attacks.
Thanks, good to see that he didn’t have time to do much damage.
Now what I’m struck by is that lackadaisical reporter spending so much time reading from his phone. Harrumph, kids these days!
He’s not only going to serve the time she was handing out but an additional few years for assaulting an officer of the court. Whoever tries that case is going to make sure he’s in shackles or has a video appearance.
sentenced for aggravated battery
Ya don’t say?
Shackles and a gag, I’d guess.
Props to that clerk. Not only was he giving his all on the beatdown, he went right for the judge. I appreciate that humanity. She certainly needed it.
Dude got his ass kicked by a law clerk. That’ll be a fun story to tell his cellmate.
Given that the defendant was being sentenced for assault to begin with, I really have to question whether the lack of restraints was a matter of protocol or whether someone just decided that he wasn’t enough of a threat to warrant them. Clearly, in his particular case, he will no longer be permitted to be in court without them, but will his actions have an affect on policies in that courtroom… or others… going forward?
I’d also like to address the valid points about physical security. It’s probably unreasonable to ask the judge to include any kind of self-defense training in her likely already-quite-full daily schedule, though I would still encourage her to find some way to include that in her physical exercise regimen. But I would also recommend doubling up on bailiffs, in the courtroom, at minimum, and giving them bonuses for maintaining certain levels of physical fitness and combat readiness…
A bench-clearing brawl if I’ve ever seen one.
And still going strong!
Probably a Duracell.
The attacker was up on charges for aggravated assault causing serious bodily harm? I can’t imagine his appeal is going to go well. 0_o