Yeah. This. Not wearing anything like that.
Yeah, on the A.M., the F.M. the P.M. too
And what signals am I inadvertently sending, then? That I’m aligned with the far right?
Good article!
However, I feel it’s missing the reminiscence of the skinhead who got kicked in the head.
WOW that is … something.
Oh, my. (ssswwwwooooooonnnnn)
T-shirt message idea no.1
T-shirt message idea no.2
They can keep the Hawaiian shirts.
Nah, even if you don’t personally like the look of Hawaiian shirts you have to admit it’s pretty fucked up to let White Supremacists appropriate a style of clothing pioneered by Asian/Pacific Islanders.
IME it’s common practice to wear Hawaiian shirts on Fridays during summer. I don’t know who started that but I’ve seen it in more than one place I’ve worked. It must suck to be the only one doing it and then have everyone think you’re done kind of white supremacist.
They already took the swastika, which I like a lot better than the Hawaiian shirts, and which had a lot more of a history.
I had a choir director who had a toothbrush mustache. More Chaplin than Hitler. Of course, it helped that he looked nothing like either of them.
Best hat shop ad I’ve ever seen:
I do admit that. They can still have them.
I feel so old when I can’t decode the meaning of a T-shirt.
This itself would be a shirt I would wear.
Likewise. I wish more of these were available as tea towels. One can never have enough subversive tea towels.
So I’m apparently a feeble ancient GenXer who doesn’t understand this White Claw thang (to be fair I’ve never tried the stuff because if I’m going to drink flavored malt liquor it’s going to be fucking 10% not some piss water 5% what’s the damn point?) but I insta-pre-ordered this t-shirt because I’m still cool: