Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/07/11/proceeds-from-this-white-cla.html
White Claws? The only search results I get are this Boing Boing post and the boozy seltzer.
More antifa incivility. [rushes to the false equivalency fainting couch]
Yeah, it’s about the seltzer, I think?
I don’t really get it.
I guess there are some diehard hard seltzer fans?
Honestly, even though the shirt is anti-Nazi, I would still feel pretty uncomfortable walking around with a swastika on me.
If anyone had run the script by me I’d have rejected it for utter implausibility; but in our actual timeline this is apparently a thing.
Fuck that noise. I will wear humorous or ironic t-shirts until I’m old and gray.
That’s what I don’t get. What does White Claw have to do with anything? Wasn’t it supposed to be like the douchebag drink of 2019 or something? Didn’t stop me from ordering it though:
“What’re you having?”
[whispers] “White Claw”
“What’s that?”
“You heard me”
But I’d order all the White Claw I could, loudly and proudly, if it meant standing up to fascism.
Now I’m even more confused. This seems to indicate that White Claw seltzer (among other things like instant foods and overbuilt guns) is a Pepe- or “Ok” sign-like in-joke among militant accelerationist Boogaloo sociopaths. The overlap between these kids and alt right neofascist seems pretty damn wide. So, is this shirt just an extension of the wink-wink inside joke about how everyone is taking their blatant calls for governmental overthrow and civil war accelerationism too seriously while they simultaneously seem to be taking those selfsame ideas very seriously?
Hard pass for me.
Here’s a link to donate directly to BLM (they also have T-shirts that don’t muddle any lines between equality initiatives and neofascists).
Yeah it’s not a good sign when the people actively trying to decode the meaning of your T-shirt become more convinced it may have a hidden neofascist message the deeper they look into it.
Even by the standards of postmodern fascism that’s a weird one.
I prefer t-shirts I can understand
But that’s the joke.
I think the hipsters are taking it back from the douchebags…
No argument there.
It could be a camouflage strategy, to fly under the radar of people who know a nazi when they see one, and remember that they were the bad guys, but don’t recognize(and/or particularly object to) fascist tendencies more generally if so that’s presumably along with the constant joking/not-joking oscillation.
However, it’s just plain so weird(and distinct from/potentially at odds with the camouflage strategy of just dialing accepted ‘patriotic’/‘law and order’ stuff up to 11); that I have to wonder if this is what happens to a reactionary movement when basically nobody involved actually has any direct experience with the culture prior to the one being reacted against; and it lacks an enemy coherent enough to shape oneself in reaction to(obviously they have many enemies; but ‘the libs, and blacks; and femoids; and the deep state; etc.’ doesn’t really have the same focusing effect as ‘national humiliation following WWI’ or ‘communists’).
Surely a legitimate fear but the symbolism is directly linked to one of the most recognizable antifascist logos:
I don’t want to spend my life keeping track of who has their cooties on what now. Can’t there just be a scorecard somewhere?
Maybe just do whatever makes you happy and don’t worry about whatever some one thinks it means?
Um. I assume you’re aware that’s not what I meant…
Can we* take “boogaloo” back while we’re at it?
*(Or “they?” These days I’m probably as hip as Henry Mitchell)