Programming language BASIC is 60 years old

Originally published at:


IF 60 years old
THEN celebrate




It was the language of choice at the Byte Shop when I worked there in 1978 in high school. I can’t say that I’ve used it since then.


Meanwhile FORTRAN is old enough to retire.

Oh and SQL, the language directly or indirectly behind getting data out of nearly every kind of database everywhere (they’re everywhere) is 45.

Let that sink in.


yeah, a solid beginning for many of us nerdolithics:
BASIC, FORTRAN, C, Pascal, Forth, (C++ but never got the hang of it), Perl, Python (and i suspect that’ll be the last, maybe)

avoid functions with global side-effects and make lots of comments because you really can’t trust your memory (frink out)


The scariest incantation to make any old- OR new-school developer quake in their boots:

object COBOL


I worked with Merant’s Net Express implementation of OOCOBOL for about 10 years and loved it. I have no idea why it would inspire fear in anyone.


sighs my first love!


Java isn’t even 30…

Oh and COBOL is 65!

debugging computer science GIF




I wrote a program for my masters in basic partly because I’d never really programmed before and I had to knock up something functional fast, this was in the 2000’s
It was really easy to learn, and gave me useful results.


I learned BASIC from articles in Byte Magazine. I miss that rag.


OMG - someone alive who’s heard of FORTH!


You got a masters in BASIC??!!



“It is practically impossible to teach good programming style to students that have had prior exposure to BASIC: as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration.”
-Edsger W. Dijkstra, quoted in The Jargon File


I spent the 80s in working in FORTH with an astronomy PhD programmer who learned it from Chuck Moore on Kitt Peak, then wrote his own Z80 and M68K versions. Now I work at the radio telescope where Moore wrote it. But we switched to C long ago.


Still just as readable as when it was written!

   10 FILES *
   20 DIM U$[8],X$[8],C$[6,16],Q1$[80],F$[35],T$[40,8],D$[40,30]
   30 DIM N$[8],P[40,2],A$[255],B$[255],P$[255],S$[16]
   40 INTEGER F9,W9,L9
   50 *WHOM(U$,X$,X$,X$)
   60 *FULLSCRN(U$,F9,W9,L9,C$[1],C$[2],C$[3],C$[4],C$[5],C$[6])
   70 MARGIN W9
   80 *COM(Q1$)
   90 Q1$=DEB$(UPS$(Q1$))
  100 IF Q1$="" OR Q1$[1,1]="?" THEN Q1$="BHPUNIH/WAGAWAGA.PROD.A ?"+&
  110 IF NOT POS(Q1$,"?") THEN DO 
  120   IF NOT POS(Q1$," ") THEN Q1$=Q1$+" ?"
  130   ELSE Q1$=Q1$[1,POS(Q1$," ")]+"?"+Q1$[POS(Q1$," ")+1]
  140 DOEND 
  150 F$=DEB$(Q1$[1,POS(Q1$,"?")-1])
  160 IF NOT POS(F$,".") THEN F$=F$+".PROD.A"
  170 Q1$=Q1$[POS(Q1$,"?")]
  180 Q1$=DEB$(Q1$[2])
  190 ASSIGN F$,1,X,NL
  200 IF X>2 THEN DO 
  210   PRINT "No help available..."
  220   END
  230 DOEND 
  240 IF C$[1]="" OR L9<8 THEN F9=0
  250 IF NOT F9 THEN C$[1]=""
  260 T$[1]="OVERVIEW",D$[1]="GENERAL DESCRIPTION",P[1,1]=1,P[1,2]=0
  270 T$[2]="ALL",D$[2]="PRINT ALL TOPICS",P[2,1]=-2
  280 T$[3]="EXIT",D$[3]="EXIT FROM HELP",P[3,1]=-3
  290 S$="                "
  300 T9=3,T8=0,B9=0
  310 IF Q1$="^^foad" THEN DO 
  320   ASSIGN *,1
  330   END
  340 DOEND 
  350 IF T8 THEN GOSUB 1070
  360 ELSE DO 
  370   T8=1
  380   ON END #1 THEN 620
  390   READ #1;A$
  400   A$=DEB$(A$)
  410   IF N$="" AND A$<>"" AND A$[1,2]<>"**" AND A$[1,1]<>"^" THEN DO 
  420     IF POS(A$," ") THEN N$=UPS$(A$[1,POS(A$," ")-1 MIN 8])
  430     ELSE N$=UPS$(A$)
  440     IF Q1$="" THEN GOSUB 1070
  450   DOEND 
  460   IF A$[1,2]="**" THEN DO 
  470     T9=T9+1
  480     P[T9,1]=REC(1)
  490     P[T9,2]=ITM(1)
  500     IF POS(A$,"//")>3 THEN DO 
  510       T$[T9]=UPS$(DEB$(A$[3,POS(A$,"//")-1]))
  520       D$[T9]=DEB$(A$[POS(A$,"//")+2])
  530       IF D$[T9]="" THEN D$[T9]="    ---"
  540     DOEND 
  550     ELSE DO 
  560       T$[T9]=DEB$(A$[3])
  570       D$[T9]="    ---"
  580     DOEND 
  590     IF Q1$="" THEN X=FNM(T9)
  600   DOEND 
  610   GOTO 390
  620 DOEND 
  630 IF Q1$<>"" THEN DO 
  640   A$=Q1$
  650   Q1$="^^foad"
  660   GOTO 720
  670 DOEND 
  680 PRINT '13'10'10+C$[5]+N$+"/HELP>"+C$[6]+" ";
  690 X=FNB(-1)
  700 LINPUT A$
  710 X=FNB(1)
  720 A$=DEB$(UPS$(A$[1;8]))
  730 IF POS(A$," ") THEN A$=A$[1;POS(A$," ")-1]
  740 IF A$[1;1]="?" THEN DO 
  750   PRINT FNW$('10&
     "Select a help topic from the list of topics and ");
  760   PRINT FNW$("descriptions, type it in, and press return.")
  770   PRINT FNW$('10"Select  OVERVIEW  to get an idea of what the ");
  780   PRINT FNW$(&
     "program is about, and  ALL  to get all available help.")
  790   PRINT FNW$('10&
     "Type  EXIT  to end the help, and return to where you were.")
  800   GOTO 680
  810 DOEND 
  820 FOR Z=1 TO T9
  830   IF POS(T$[Z],A$)=1 THEN DO 
  840     IF P[Z,1]>0 THEN DO 
  850       X=FNP(Z,0)
  860       GOTO 310
  870     DOEND 
  880     IF P[Z,1]=-2 THEN DO 
  890       X=FNP(1,1)
  900       GOTO 310
  910     DOEND 
  920     IF P[Z,1]=-3 THEN DO 
  930       ASSIGN *,1
  940       X=FNB(-1)
  950       END
  960     DOEND 
  970   DOEND 
  980 NEXT Z
  990 PRINT "No such help topic."
 1000 IF Q1$<>"" THEN DO 
 1010   Q1$=""
 1020   PRINT '7;
 1030   ENTER 1,X,X
 1040   GOTO 310
 1050 DOEND 
 1060 GOTO 680
 1070 PRINT C$[1]+C$[5]+"== "+N$+" HELP =="+C$[6];'13'10
 1080 X=INT((W9-1)/39) MAX 1
 1090 P$=C$[5]
 1100 FOR Z=1 TO X
 1110   P$=P$+"-TOPIC-- ---------DESCRIPTION---------- "
 1120 NEXT Z
 1130 PRINT DEB$(P$)+C$[6]
 1140 IF FNB(1) THEN 1190
 1150 FOR Z=1 TO T9
 1160   X=FNM(Z)
 1170   IF FNB(1) THEN 1190
 1180 NEXT Z
 1190 RETURN 
 1200 DEF FNM(Q)
 1210   IF (Q MOD (INT(W9/39) MAX 1))=0 THEN DO 
 1220     PRINT USING "#,8AX";T$[Q]
 1230     PRINT D$[Q]
 1240   DOEND 
 1250   ELSE PRINT USING "#,8AX,30AX";T$[Q],D$[Q]
 1260   RETURN 0
 1270 FNEND 
 1280 DEF FNP(S,M0)
 1290   A$="",I1=I2=I3=J=P=M5=Q5=0,L8=1
 1300   IF NOT F9 THEN PRINT '13'10
 1310   PRINT C$[1]+C$[5]+"== "+N$+" HELP =="+C$[6]
 1320   ON END #1 THEN 2190
 1330   READ #1,P[S,1]
 1340   ADVANCE #1;P[S,2],X
 1350   IF Q5 THEN 2190
 1360   READ #1;B$
 1370   IF B$[1,2]="**" AND NOT M0 THEN 2190
 1380   IF B$[1,1]="^" THEN DO 
 1390     IF LEN(A$) THEN X=FNQ(S$[1;I1]+A$)
 1400     A$=""
 1410     B$=UPS$(B$)
 1420     IF B$[2]="NJ" THEN J=0
 1430     IF B$[2]="RJ" THEN J=1
 1440     IF B$[2,2]="O" THEN DO 
 1450       I3=0
 1460       CONVERT B$[3] TO I3,1470
 1470     DOEND 
 1480     IF POS("TABLE",B$[2])=1 THEN I1=1,I2=0,I3=0,J=0
 1490     IF POS("TEXT",B$[2])=1 THEN I1=0,I2=2,I3=5
 1500     IF POS("PAGE",B$[2])=1 THEN L8=999
 1510     IF B$[2,2]="M" THEN DO 
 1520       I1=I2=0
 1530       IF POS(B$,"-") THEN DO 
 1540         CONVERT B$[3,POS(B$,"-")-1] TO I1,1550
 1550         CONVERT B$[POS(B$,"-")+1] TO I2,1560
 1560       DOEND 
 1570       ELSE CONVERT B$[3] TO I1,1580
 1580       I1=ABS(I1) MIN 10
 1590       I2=ABS(I2) MIN 4
 1600       I3=I1
 1610     DOEND 
 1620     GOTO 1350
 1630   DOEND 
 1640   IF B$[1,2]="**" THEN DO 
 1650     IF A$<>"" THEN DO 
 1660       IF P THEN X=FNQ(S$[1;I3]+A$)
 1670       ELSE X=FNQ(S$[1;I1]+A$)
 1680       X=FNQ("")
 1690       A$=""
 1700     DOEND 
 1710     L8=-L8
 1720     I1=I2=I3=0
 1730     GOTO 1350
 1740   DOEND 
 1750   IF B$="" OR A$="" OR B$[1,1]=" " THEN DO 
 1760     IF A$="" THEN 1790
 1770     IF P THEN X=FNQ(S$[1;I3]+A$)
 1780     ELSE X=FNQ(S$[1;I1]+A$)
 1790     IF B$="" THEN X=FNQ("")
 1800     A$=B$
 1810     P=1
 1820   DOEND 
 1830   ELSE DO 
 1840     IF A$[LEN(A$)]="." THEN A$=A$+"  "
 1850     IF A$[LEN(A$)-1 MAX 1]="." THEN A$=A$+" "
 1860     IF A$[LEN(A$)]=" " THEN A$=A$+B$
 1870     ELSE A$=A$+" "+B$
 1880   DOEND 
 1890   L7=W9-I1*(P=0)-I3*(P=1)-I2
 1900   IF I1<>I2 THEN A$=DEB$(A$)
 1910   IF LEN(A$)<L7 THEN 1350
 1920   FOR Z=L7 TO 1 STEP -1
 1930     IF POS(" ,-!?)]",A$[Z;1]) THEN 1960
 1940   NEXT Z
 1950   Z=L7
 1960   P$=A$[1,Z]
 1970   IF J AND W9>31 THEN DO 
 1980     IF I1<>I3 THEN P$=DEB$(P$)
 1990     FOR X=1 TO (L7-LEN(P$)) MIN LEN(P$)/2
 2000       M=20,C=0,P0=1,P1=0
 2010       FOR Y=1 TO LEN(P$)
 2020         IF P$[Y;1]=" " THEN C=C+1
 2030         ELSE DO 
 2040           IF NOT C THEN 2080
 2050           IF C=M THEN P1=P1+1
 2060           IF C=M AND INT(RND(1)*P1)=1 THEN P0=Y-1,M=C
 2070           IF C<M THEN P0=Y-1,M=C,P1=1
 2080           C=0
 2090         DOEND 
 2100       NEXT Y
 2110       P$=P$[1,P0]+" "+P$[P0+1]
 2120     NEXT X
 2130   DOEND 
 2140   IF P THEN X=FNQ(S$[1;I3]+P$)
 2150   ELSE X=FNQ(S$[1;I1]+P$)
 2160   P=0
 2170   A$=A$[Z+1]
 2180   GOTO 1890
 2190   IF P THEN X=FNQ(S$[1;I3]+A$)
 2200   ELSE X=FNQ(S$[1;I1]+A$)
 2210   IF F9 AND NOT Q5 THEN DO 
 2220     PRINT LIN(L9-L8-1);C$[5]+"*END*"+C$[6];
 2230     ENTER 60,X,X
 2240   DOEND 
 2250   RETURN 0
 2260 FNEND 
 2270 DEF FNQ(X$)
 2280   DIM M$[1]
 2290   IF FNB(1) OR Q5 THEN Q5=1
 2300   ELSE DO 
 2310     IF (L8<0 OR (L8>L9-4 AND M5) OR (L8>L9-2)) AND F9 THEN DO 
 2320       IF L8>0 THEN PRINT LIN(L9-L8);C$[5]+"-MORE-"+C$[6];
 2330       ELSE PRINT LIN(L9+L8);C$[5]+"-MORE-"+C$[6];
 2340       ENTER 60,X,M$
 2350       IF POS("NEQ",UPS$(M$)) AND M$<>"" THEN Q5=1
 2360       ELSE PRINT C$[1]+C$[5]+"== "+N$+" HELP =="+C$[6];'13'10
 2370       L8=2
 2380       M5=0
 2390     DOEND 
 2400     IF LEN(DEB$(X$)) AND NOT Q5 THEN DO 
 2410       IF M5 THEN PRINT LIN(M5);X$
 2420       ELSE PRINT X$
 2430       M5=0
 2440     DOEND 
 2450     ELSE M5=M5+1
 2460     L8=L8+1
 2470   DOEND 
 2480   RETURN 0
 2490 FNEND 
 2500 DEF FNB(X)
 2510   REAL B7
 2520   INTEGER B8
 2530   B8=0
 2540   *CHECKCTLY(B8)
 2550   IF X<0 AND B8 THEN DO 
 2560     *DISARMCTLY
 2570     RETURN 0
 2580   DOEND 
 2590   ELSE DO 
 2600     IF B8<>2 THEN DO 
 2610       *ARMCTLY
 2620       B7=0,B9=0
 2630     DOEND 
 2640     ELSE DO 
 2650       *RESETCTLY
 2660       B7=TIM(-1)-B9
 2670       B9=TIM(-1)
 2680     DOEND 
 2690   DOEND 
 2700   RETURN B7
 2710 FNEND 
 2720 DEF FNW$(W9$)
 2730   DIM W8$[255]
 2740   IF POS(W9$," ") THEN DO 
 2750     W8$=W9$[1,POS(W9$," ")]
 2760     PRINT W8$;
 2770     W9$=W9$[POS(W9$," ")+1]
 2780     GOTO 2740
 2790   DOEND 
 2800   PRINT W9$;
 2810   RETURN ""
 2820 FNEND

My MS-DOS computer came with QBASIC, and the first programming I ever did was to work out how to make the sun at the top be normally frowny, and smile when hit with a banana, rather than the other way round.


I never learned any programming language but i do have fond memories of the computer classes i had as a young kid. Our school had a nifty program to teach kids some programming skills, i remember it being called LOGO Writer perhaps. You could use the program to make quizzes, fairly basic games, animations and songs.