Proto-mommyblogger Dooce quits the blog


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Retire the whole Tiger Mommy thing, it’s over due for the diaper pail.


Congratulations to her for living the dream. I mean that sincerely. For many blogging is a jumping-off point, and if that was her goal I’m glad she made it.


Absolutely. I would imagine “brand consultant” pays rather better than “mommyblogger.”


I get the whole Privacy Thing, but I selfishly wished she had blogged about separating from her husband. Enjoyed her posts, though.

Am I the only person moderately skeeved by mothers who call themselves “mommies” or “mamas”?

My kids are very confused by the ones who don’t.

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Do your kids regularly read mothering blogs?

I’m not seeing the word “blog” in your post.


Blogging definitely changed my life. Radically. And I was late to the party in 2004.

I found that proselytizing blogging never really worked, though. It fits so few people. It was like being Jared from subway, telling people they too can lose 300 pounds by eating nothing but subs.

I like to focus more now on “fun size” units of work. I guess the rise of Tumblr and Twitter and Tweetstorms and other forms of microblogging are a better fit for most.


I find “mommyblogger” has a cloying tone, along with abbreviations like “dear husband”, but I try to keep objective about topics outside of my interest or perspective. I’m only surprised when and how people make a living on it. I imagine (along with the “brand advisement”) there’s plenty of product placement going on alongside the anecdotes. If there’s a market, go them. Sounds like a superior work-from-home option. My wife is lucky enough to have the option to work remotely if we decide to have a child, but there’s not much else out there. I can see why some relatives have been stuck with MLMs and similar exploitative garbage.


I’m sure it does overall, but I heard that she made a LOT over the years off that blog.

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