Psychedelic fish, ants, and sponges that can make you trip

Originally published at: Psychedelic fish, ants, and sponges that can make you trip | Boing Boing


I believe the 40-year-old man used as an example in the story was only experiencing the vengeance of the creatures he had just eaten at dinner.

scared not safe for work GIF

Thr fish in question are probably really inconsistent since they are presumably not hallucinogenic in themselves, but accumulated some kind of dietary toxins. And I bet that like the ants, the hallucinations are a reaction to other awful symptoms.

That still sounds better than the toads though – where the buried lede is still that they contain 5-MeO-DMT and cardiac steroids, which do things to the one muscle you need most. Are Psilocybe really so disappointing that you can’t just use them instead of a toxin cocktail?


psilocybin mushrooms shrooms GIF


5-MeO-DMT and cardiac steroids, which do things to the one muscle you need most

Pedant psychonaut pharmacist here:
You won’t see me licking any toads, but 5-MeO-DMT is not known to be cardiotoxic, unlike bufotoxins. Both are found in the toads commonly used for a low-grade seeing spots kind of trip.

5-MeO is similar to psilocin (4-OH-DMT), though it’s not orally active on its own.
It also has therapeutic potential, though it’s not as explored in ‘legitimate’ circles just yet in part because of the issue with route of administration Psilocybin by mouth = easy.

…Yeah, that’s why I used the word “and”. I didn’t say 5-MeO-DMT was cardiotoxic, nor is it a steroid for that matter.


I parsed your sentence differently than you. The italics weren’t clearly seen. I’ll go clean my screen now.
No offense intended.

Maybe it’s just me, but misunderstandings (and people tripping over themselves in their eagerness to ‘prove’ someone wrong) have really felt like they have increased drastically over the last few weeks.



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It’s not just you. Tempers seem shorter. A combination of the gathering summer heat, and the massive daily piles of BS being shoveled on us by the GQP.

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