Psychic Uri Geller explains the bending iPhones

Isn’t there an app for that?

This reads pretty intentional to me. It sounds like MarketWatch contacted him for a gag comment, and he cheerfully cooperated.

Which isn’t to say that he isn’t glad for any publicity, but I think this is Geller doing winking self-parody.

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Yea, I forgot about that.
Maintaining your narrative for an audience by staying in character 24/7 is entertainment, baristry to maintain a fictional narrative is something else entirely.
Effing douchebag.

Christ, what an asshole?

Well, if two teenage idiots can do it…

We were in their Apple Store bending and breaking their iPhone, which I’m guessing, you know, that’s like criminal damage I guess. I don’t even care to be honest because it’s Apple’s fault. They shouldn’t - they’re kind of false advertising, I guess; they’re saying it’s the best iPhone, but it’s clearly not if it can bend in your hands.

Well, yeah, if you take pretty much any phone or large thin flat device and forcibly bend it with your hands, uh… it’ll bend. That’s no great shock.

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[quote=“Sim0n, post:46, topic:41891, full:true”]
Christ, what an asshole?
[/quote]Nope, he’s Jewish, maybe Moses what a shmuck?


This is the most respectable thing I’ve ever heard attributed to the guy. It’s a clear nod that he’s not taking his schtick too seriously any more and can joke about the character he used to play.

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Because that’s what he is. Now, we could argue that “psychic” means someone out of touch with reality, or a blatant con artist. Interpretations vary. But he is definitely one.

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Well, it’s “one weird trick,” you see.

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