Public school suspends 8-year-old girl for wearing wrong shade of green



My daughter has 2 weeks of uniformed school in her life left. She intends to burn the damn blazer, jumper and skirt she has had to wear for the past 6 years.

Make a little bonfire and joyfully breath their melting wool-synthetic matierial fumes.

Not healthy, but worth the risk of cancer.


How do you keep them from growing for 6 years? Is it like gold fish where you keep them in a small tank and they keep small?


I saw that. Humbabella killed a guy.
@anon50609448, you should find yourself a safehouse or a relative close by. Lay low for a while, because you’re probably wanted for murder.


Actually she’s a little kid, and “Small” was huge on her. We had rolled up sleeves, and did little cotton sewing tricks to try and make the uniform not look like she was in a Talking Heads video.

Some kids do well in that super orderly school environment. This girl? I wish I’d sent her to some Montessori school. Or even just low rent public school. She is just not a Rules person.

(My dear wife is a Good Catholic. She wanted the kids to go to a good Catholic school. The kids both found the Compulsory Religion imposed on them so heavy handed and miserable that I think they are both came out the other end Hardcore Atheists.)


Huh - that’s too bad. They do have religion classes at my kids school, but I guess it isn’t as heavy handed? Overall I am pretty impressed with the quality of the school.

Right? What is this vague “Dark Green” nonsence?

Be specific with your arbitrary rules -

I am a fan of juniper, myself.


Sea foam, right here.


I like Clover. (NOT fucking Shamrock, that’s not the same shade I’ll send you home!)


Indeed, most injustice at the hands of authority could be avoided if people would simply and reflexively respect authority, no matter how arbitrary and/or useless the rules.

After all, the primary lesson kids learn at school is that they should do what they’re told if they don’t want trouble.


Could have been a LOT worse.

But, yeah, the school admins here need to take a long, hard look at themselves.


Every major public school in North Carolina asks this, or at least it did 10 months or so ago. They also ask if you have a criminal record, but some of them take the sensible route and tell you to leave off minor traffic infractions.

I remember George Carlin talked about school uniforms. He saw an old documentary about how it did seem to induce more order among the students, but he didn’t know the details because it was in German.


The reason people are annoyed with you is that, yes, you’ve gone from claiming it was the parents’ fault to admitting that the school messed up, but you’re acting like you never said it was the parents’ fault and you can’t understand why anyone would think you did.

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Don’t worry, its not dubbed.

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#You seafoam-types will be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.


You’ll have to pry the laser Gatling trident from my cold dead fins.

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When you have only two different shades, one is lighter, one is darker.

When you have three or more, at least two are darker, and two are lighter.

If dark green is defined as a specific swatch of green in the school handbook, the girl’s family has only a “a day’s suspension is ridiculous” leg to stand on.

If dark green is not defined as a specific swatch of green in the school handbook, the school has only a “well, you know, REASONS” leg to stand on.

My kid goes to a school with uniforms (not public school). Makes it a loooot easier to pick his clothes. The uniform is defined as “buy these from this place with the school logo on themm, or see if there are some in the last-year bin in the school office.” No wrangling about color names, no wrangling about swatches. One choice, well defined.


I’m not sure if a school uniform would make my life easier or harder. On one hand, no changing clothes three times before going out the door, on the other hand, maybe we’ll never get out the door at all.