Publisher of right-wing 2000 Mules film apologizes for its lies

To paraphrase Upton Sinclair; Left wing radio was trying to get them thinking where right wing radio keeps them feeling.
(After The Jungle came out and everyone focused on the food safety issues in the book Sinclair, who was hoping to get attention paid to the working conditions at the plants is quoted as saying “I was trying to get them through their minds, instead I got them through their stomachs”)


I read and liked this novel after hearing an interview with the author (and since I love her first novel). It’s a good story about workers in a big box store, and she’s said it was partly an effort to update Sinclair’s The Jungle.

I’ll also add that as that novel shows, the anger that the right stirs up with far-right media is not just installed in listeners and viewers by rightwing media. Many people are already angry, about their steadily decreasing standard of living and their ever-more crushing work conditions.

It’d be great if Dems could redirect that anger, but at…? Dang, the target has to be billionaires and corporations, but establishment Dems won’t bite those hands because they feed Dems too (thanks SCOTUS, Citizens United, etc.). Bernie Sanders tried to bite tjos3 wealthy hands, and he got some traction, despite being a grandpa-like Jew. Oh that more Dems would follow his example. I think leftwing media fails to get traction because it usually tries to get people to think, instead of feel (angry, at greedy rich people). Many people who might listen to leftwing radio are too tired and angry to be swayed by logic and complex facts and correct numbers.


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