Nope, definitely academic; it was educational software I had written as a summer project on a professor’s grant. Not having to code around someone else’s poor decisions definitely helps.
The odd thing is that some C++ I had written around the same time didn’t compile. (Fixing it up was quite minor.)
PHP is a great language. If @codinghorror doesn’t like it, it’s because he’s a Blub Programmer, who doesn’t see the the inherent advantages of Accretive Evolution over Intelligent Design. (I kid because I know you can take it, Jeff.)
Incidentally I’d love to have that double claw hammer specifically for residential demolition work like tearing out lath and plaster walls.
Languages are tools. Some are more elegant than others. The most elegant language ever would be the Gnu Awk, if it didn’t have an invisible string concatenation operator… but unfortunately, it does.
I find Java super painful to work in because it is so verbose and makes the developer work for things that should be much easier, but it doesn’t seem to be going away or lessening in influence just yet.
I love that there are so many coders lurking in these forums!
Someday I want to have a BB/Happy Mutant code collaboration project on something fun.