Pussy Riot gets a surprise rearrest as soon as they're released from jail for World Cup stunt

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/07/30/pussy-riot-gets-a-surprise-rea.html


If they want to hang you, they’ll find a piece of rope.


the organization and holding of public events without prior written notice

Does anyone know what this means in concrete terms? like, holding a concert somewhere - or is this some specific bullshit against organised protests?


Ten days? Fifteen days? At this point, the state is just doing their publicity work for them. In case you missed the last arrest, there’s another one this month.


So that’s where Trump got “lock her up” from - his handler.


It is using a formality/technicality to harass. Bureaucracies are good at this.

I’m far from being an expert on Russian regulations, but I think it’s fairly save to extrapolate from regulations I know.
There are safety rules for public events which are usually part of buliding codes, traffic codes and specific codes for events. Usually a mix of federal laws, state laws and local laws and regulations. (Plus codes set by insurance companies.)
Holding an event in a building that is fit for the purpose (fire safety etc).
Having traffic re-routed for an open air event. Etc etc.
For some stuff you’ll need a permit and/or some official checking that safety standards are met.
You get the general idea.
All of this requires paperwork, and if that isn’t up to scratch, it’s very easy to, say deny a permit. Which means you are committing an offence if you go ahead anyway and have no insurance.
And if the paperwork is perfect, there are other ways and means. Delay tactics. Making sure that the meeting hall is short of one or two fire extinguishers on inspection.
The possibilities are endless.


The long arm of Putin.

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I’m surprised they were surprised. After all they’ve been through they should know that this kind of petty and cruel trick is S.O.P. for a petty and cruel autocrat. I’m not sure how they thought that 15 days in the slammer was all they’d get for disrupting Uncle Vlad’s spectacular international showcase.

[now let’s see which long-dormant user account here suddenly springs to life to inform us that Putin is a great and just leader whose popularity is demonstrated by his totally not suspicious 77% showing in the last election]


Maybe we completely misinterpreted the “Access Hollywood” tape. Maybe he just meant “grab them by the Pussy Riot?” /s

Is it protocol to salute someone before arresting them in Moscow?

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