Putin: "Thanks For Being So Cool About Everything" [The Onion]

I’d really like it if international diplomacy was carried out at a more grown up level than the playground.

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Middle ground exists somewhere between war and appeasement.

If appeasement is all that interests you, you must be comfortable with nuclear weapons in the hands of unstable regimes.

You are putting words into my mouth and making quite unwarranted assumptions about my position.

False dilemma


Do you read what you write?

Do you think about what you write?

The dilemma is not false. You either accept Russian annexation of Crimea (for the time being), in practice if not in rhetoric, or you don’t. I do not believe there is anything that can be effectively done to reverse the course of action taken by Moscow, short of a military confrontation. If you believe otherwise, I would like to hear your proposed solution that will force Russia to relinquish control of the territory it is currently occupying with enthusiastic support from the vast majority of the populace.

You can use this opportunity to issue sanctions and push against Russia in other areas, including protection of remaining endangered territories, but that’s a whole different game. Deterring further aggression != appeasement.

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