If a topic has a number next to it, this means that you’ve been reading it for a while (and the number is the number of new posts since you last read it). When you click on it, it takes you to the place you left off. (This also sometimes happens with topics without numbers; the lack of a number just means you haven’t been reading it long enough to hit some threshold where it decides you’re “interested”.)
That’s not true for search. I was at the end here, searched for this particular topic, it left me in the middle. When you click from one of the topic pages, yeah, that’s what it does.
What @sqlrob wrote.
Just now I searched on “Interesting” which coughed up “Interesting Thoughtful Stories.” When I click on it, it takes me to post 292 of 526, which happens to be mine. But I am caught up in that thread, and have other subsequent posts in the thread, including #523 of the 526.
The discourse folks have been trying to solve this forever without success, I’m afraid.
I used to get this when searching for the HCoxR thread - when I searched for Heather, the result would put me into the thread at the same place every time, albeit months ago.
Then I learned to use bookmarks and now I can pick up every time at the place I left off.
It obviously doesn’t work on a new search.
Ah, I missed the “search” part. Sorry about that! That is very interesting behavior…
I’d just like to confirm I’ve noticed this behavior for quite some time.
I’m guessing here, but it seems like it doesn’t really search for a topic but for posts. So when you click on a result, it takes you to that post regardless of where it is in the topic.
What’s up with new features, layout, etc?
Any explanation or description available?
WTH has happened to the Discourse “like” feature? We now have a selection of emojis to choose from. Do not like.
Can we expect a “Most Hated” badge soon?
I wish it had a few more options – thumbs up seems curiously missing, for example – and I agree that I’m now trying to figure out which of the short list is the closest to my reaction, which can be reductive, but you can still just click on the heart if the choices aren’t appealing to you.
Needs more bunnies. Or haunted peeps.
There is a topic for this:
Now see, here’s a perfect example of when a thumbs-up would be perfect!
Is that not what a “like” (heart) is, though?
Slightly different. A thumbs-up is agreement, but not necessarily an “I love it” agreement.
While I have you, a bullseye would be fabulous, too!
Done! I’m going to hold off on making a ton of these until we see how they’re used though to avoid massive menus for folks on phones!
We’ll file that with the randomly broken BBS links in main articles then.
Can someone explain me why posts from Eschaton are always either quoted in full or posted as a screenshot, either in addition to or in lieu of a onebox? I’ve noticed this just about every time I see Eschaton referenced on the site, and it’s the only site where I’ve noticed that. But… why? I don’t visit the site so I don’t have a great sense of what might make it peculiar.
Anyone else seeing something weird with Youtube embeds? Looks like something changed in the past few hours.
Now the embeds are blown up, and clicking them opens the link in a new tab