Q&A on Non-Moderation Matters (Mechanics, How-To, etc.)

This past week, I’ve noticed that embedded YouTube videos no longer play – neither on the BB main page nor in the BBS – when I use Firefox (w/ uBlock Origin & NoScript add-ons) on a Windows laptop. For example I tried to play the video embedded here. Embedded YT videos still work using Firefox (w/ add-ons) on an Android device.

(Also, if I click “Watch this on YouTube” before playing the embedded video, that loads up in a separate tab & plays fine)

I get this error:

(If I expand the original post in the BBS, it doesn’t show YouTube at all which, I believe, is a separate issue. But if another BBSer posts a YT within the BBS, I get the same error as above, except for the playback ID which is different each time.)

I’m fairly much loaded up with ad & script blockers, but allowing once script or another doesn’t seem to help. I’m wondering if Google changed something with YT because, at least once, I’ve started getting ads in the YT videos when I used to not get any at all. But on another website (e.g. my own) I am still able to play the embedded videos on the same laptop.

(ETA: clarification)


Brave seems to work fine. Haven’t tried Firefox


I don’t know what I did while my phone was in my pocket, but apparently I have to wait 56 seconds before doing it again!


I get that sometimes when I try to like something too much.
Maybe try to not like what’s in your pockets so much?


Who thought it was a good idea to let a web page break the back button? Currently investigating*, but clicking through to bb article, then later using the back button to return to the bbs can instead lead to a whole new page of… content. (“before you go, check out blah blah blah”)

*new incognito window, clicking through then using [alt-leftarrow] to go back triggered the behavior the first time. Every subsequent test worked normally. Another tab in this window I used the back button itself and it was hijacked again, even though two minutes ago I tried every combination of clicking through and hitting back to no avail. Ugh, I’m done testing.

edit: not disappointed, but definitely changing my bb navigation methods


Bringing this up again, it’s been happening even on my tablet and computer occasionally.
@codinghorror - would it be easy to shift it so the default is to just NOT leave a reaction in that situation?
Sometimes it’s cringeworthy when it looks like I’ve shown support for some tripe, but it’s never really embarrassing if I simply haven’t reacted to a post, you know?


Why does BoingBoing sometimes show as not fully secure?

Mar shampla:


“This page includes other resources which are not secure” indicates that there are sourced and included resources which are not accessed over https, probably from cross-site.

So, say, if your website was fully on https, but the page had an <iframe src="http://site.org/resource" />, that would trigger this warning: most of the page is secure, but it can’t vouch for that bit of it.


Yep. Probably bad ads from some provider somewhere.


Noticed something strange with the new emojis. When using a Chrome browser on my phone, selecting one seems to leave the focus on the field, even after I have scrolled down the page. Moving on the page could lead the emoji to become deselected. So, I could press Like, scroll down, and watch my Like vanish. The workaround to that was to like it again and press something else on the page to change the focus.

This morning, something worse happened. I was liking a post in the Odd Stuff topic, scrolled down to read the last post, and noticed at the bottom of the list that I had somehow closed the topic! The actions icon is in line with the emojis when viewed on my phone, but pressing that shouldn’t be enough to close anything. It took me two steps to reopen it. I’m still not sure how that was possible. @codinghorror, is there some way to change this focus issue or adjust the position of the topic actions link so it can’t be affected by odd emoji selection behavior?


I notice articles from the same source being posted to multiple topics/threads. I’ve done it without realizing it was already posted elsewhere. And, it’s true that topics frequently overlap. But I wonder if it’s worth having the “this article has already been posted to (this other topic). Do you want to continue?” warning set up to give that warning across the BBS? People may want to post anyway, because topics overlap. But it may be that they don’t realize there’s already a topic dedicated to that specific thing, and there’s already a discussion.

Just a stray thought.


I will admit that the thread-specific warning has saved me from embarrassment a few times! Not sure if it’ll work as well site-wide, because often one of us posts the story in Wrath or wherever and then shortly thereafter an official BB writer will create a specific thread about it, and obviously we don’t want to block them being able to do that.


Yeah, the idea has flaws, for sure. Exempting BB Writers would solve some of it. Or creating an order to it? If it gets posted to a thread after a BB Writer posts, it gets warning (which can be ignored, because maybe you want to move in an off-topic direction?). I dunno. In the last couple days I’ve seen the same news source in multiple threads, and really good contributions and discussions in each area, but with different Mutants contributing in each place.


I don’t think it’s just something weird with my set up, but I’ve noticed on both my desktop and my phone, both running brave. When I click on the avatar icon, the image is HUGE


that’s kinda cool, but it does interfere with the background, which is the info that is relevant.


Anyone else seeing problems with YouTube embeds at the end of articles today? It seems to occur when the embed is the last thing in the post - e.g.,

has the embed overlap the beginning of the summary for the “.50 caliber pool cue” article.

YT seems to have (again) changed its default layout, making the thumbnail cards for videos much, much larger (I am seeing two per row today, rather than the six or more I saw a couple of days ago), and I wonder if that’s causing this.


I noticed this issue too. (and made a thread elswhere before I was pointed here) But it doesn’t seem to be all articles with videos at the end, note:
Now that I look again though, those video embeds are different sizes in the two articles.


I’m seeing some articles which have embeds that don’t show the problem, but they all seem to have text following the embed. The embed seems to overlap the part of the text. Articles with just images don’t seem to be affected. I also haven’t looked at any which embed videos from elsewhere yet (to see if it’s just YouTube embeds).


I had noticed that the links to the comments are missing from a number of articles. Now I see that the videos are obscuring the comments link.


Has the text box control for comment entry changed? I’m getting a lot of lag that I’m not seeing anywhere else.

ETA: Seems OK today. :+1:

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