Originally published at: Queen Camilla's divorce ultimatum and the Clintons betray Joe Biden, in this week's dubious tabloids | Boing Boing
Queen Camilla’s divorce ultimatum and the Clintons betray Joe Biden, in this week’s dubious tabloids
Just a bunch of overpaid attorneys and two angry, rather wealthy parents.
Sounds like my divorce. My ex is a trauma surgeon at the main teaching hospital of a T10 Med School. She had just made attending the year before we split. Needless to say, she had gobs of money for an attorney.
The divorce and negotiations over the custody agreement over Little ALS were needlessly more complex/vitriolic because of her attorney…the best was her demanding 100% physical custody. The Judge was like, um, your hours are insane, non-predictable, and your soon-to-be-ex works a 9-to-5, unless you can demonstrate he’s mainlining heroin in the courthouse bathroom, your motion for physical custody isn’t going to happen.
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