Why don’t those a-holes in DC just leave my health insurance alone?
*doesn’t ask a question for ages
*compounds fault
@anon61221983 Why didn’t you tell us you have a 10 MILLION gallon aquarium in Atlanta?
Aren’t they doing it so you will stop being so dependent on government handouts and be a boot-strapping kind of rugged individual?
You didn’t know? Isn’t the walkway under the tank freakin’ cool? Isn’t the dolphin show a terrible travesty? Isn’t the aquarium hella-expensive?
Isn’t the Tropical Reef very relaxing, with the regular wave-wash?
Why is their website so awful and uninformative?
Isn’t the walkway under the tank somewhat common in the major aquariums now? Isn’t it the fact that the tank can actually support MANTA RAYS that has me awestruck?
Did you see the whale sharks? [quote=“OtherMichael, post:5090, topic:76536”]
Why is their website so awful and uninformative?
Aren’t almost all websites like that?
Is @japhroaig secretly SwiftOnSecurity? Or PwnAllTheThings?
Is there an easy way to find him unironically?
Why do some avatarses have pink teddy ears?
Do you not recognize the Pussy Hats?
Did you guys hear the loud slap of my facepalm all the way over the pond there?
@japhroaig’s favorite drink?
Isn’t it supposed to be Horchatta and Rum premixed for your convenience?
Just where exactly, do you think you are?
The lounge?
Did I not mention it is also available in coffee creamer size
Great for the office