Quicksand is back and this woman almost succumbed to it

I think it was one of the perils faced on the Historical Documents about the Minnow.
In D&D campaigns, quicksand was a sign you were about to attacked by monsters, either from above, or things that made the quicksand their home.


People today are quick to dismiss quicksand and the Bermuda Triangle. But what if the Bermuda Triangle is actually a giant patch of ocean quicksand?


This article discusses the golden age of quicksand in cinema:

(The irony is that the scene in The Artist illustrates a nostalgia for quicksand in 1920s/30s cinema while in reality that trope really didn’t appear on film until later)


That article led me to another, which I think addresses the cultural aspects of our discussion quite well.


Similarly, I expected the transportion of glass bottles of unstable nitroglycerin to feature more in adult life.


Most anticlimactic episode of Little House on the Prairie ever. As far as I recall there wasn’t a single explosion in the entire episode.


Or trails of lit black powder following a trail to a barrel of it.


We tried that once when we were kids. The stuff doesn’t burn slowly like a fuse in the movies. The whole trail and the small pile of powder at the far end ignited all in one instant flash.

My friend who owned the black powder rifle said “told you so. The bullet would never leave the barrel if powder burned as slow as in the movies.”


Yeah I remember something happened to some powder my dad had for reloading, and so he was just going to light it to get rid of it (or at least a small amount of it to show me what happens. It makes good fertilizer if you want to dispose of it.)

Put a small pile on a landscaping rock and it went woosh in a flash (granted this was faster burning smokeless powder, but black powder is only marginally slower burning).

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