Originally published at: Quisp Meteorite Ring | Boing Boing
I could never get my mom to buy Quisp, though she bought crazy amounts of Cap’n Crunch later as my brothers and I were still kids. A meteorite ring was never in the cards, and I had to be happy with the baking soda submarine.
Ooo, I had that one!
Wtaf? No.
I had several of the submarines, but I’ve never heard of Quisp. They must have been a prize in some other cereals as well. I even sent away for the larger version, maybe 3-4" (8-10cm) long, which functioned the same way.
I remember the sub, but I have no recollection of how I got it.
Given that they had to include a magnifying glass, they were probably talking about micrometeorites, which aren’t rare — you can find them on your roof — but are so tiny that the cost of collecting enough to put one in every one of zillions of cereal boxes was prohibitive.
Unclassified micrometeorite , on a finger for scale.
Yes. A new low.
There was a dime store version of this kind of toy too - with little tablets you put in them. I remember a submarine and a frogman (scuba diver)
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