Quiz: Was this painting made by a human artist or ape?


So -this means you don’t like the Russian chicken riding the dinosaur wrench?

I like it! Did your daughter say what she was depicting? Did she name it?

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Nothing I recall. Sadly it was a very brief period in her artistic career. She’s now 14 and more of a writer. I howled when my wife was giving them away, she’s just not a visual person and didn’t understand how amazing they were.


I got 83%.

The first one made by the non-homo-sapiens-ape (saying humans are also apes makes the differentiation difficult…) is the one that tripped me up. Besides that, I want to say that in this case I have a strong preference for the art made by the apes (and then I mean the ones that could not name their art using the same language I’m using to convey these thoughts to you now).

Things that I considered as differentiators but could not use because of some edge cases:

  • Being able to hold a brush and paint using your feet. (some humans do this)
  • Being naked, or overly hairy. (I’m sure some apes got to wear a apron and a baret and some humans are very hairy indeed)
  • Using language (some apes know some sign language)

We are not that different from them at all…

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The ape got a good attorney after the whole “monkey selfie” copyright crisis.


I was going to say I saw a ducky and a horsie, but I changed my mind.

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Was this painting made by a human artist or ape?

At first I thought this was going to be an argument for or against the Oxford Comma.


So, is an artist neither a human nor an ape? Or is an artist no longer considered human like a human is no longer considered an ape? Like an artist is beyond basic humanity somehow?


Hoo boy. That thread… 0_o

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