Quotes on religion and the mythical Christian solar god Jesus's association with the Sun

Well considering I have been living here for nigh on 20 years now and I am still not used to the wintertime dark I would have to say I prefer celebrating the days getting longer over some mythical jewish street preacher. Though really I will take any reason for a party.


You bet, love those end of year celebrations, time to be merry and party.

Happy Winter Solstice–the daylight is getting longer.


While we’re at it, is it too late to join the war on Christmas this year?


I haven’t studied early American history in any serious way, but given the level of literacy in society in that time and the significance of the figure of Washington during his lifetime, there’s nothing I’ve seen that would suggest a multi-George origin of our account (especially given the physical as well as documentary evidence).

That doesn’t have much bearing on the analysis of events around a fairly minor figure living in a Roman backwater who somehow spawned a cult that took off centuries later, though. The fact that there were many figures named Jeshua around that time is peripheral to whether there was some existent individual named Joshua (or John/Peter/Paul/etc.) at the root of the development of the cult.


Can you offer any proof that there isn’t a conspiracy theory?



Cherry tree, wooden teeth, “Washington slept here” placques… he sure seems mythical to me!


No. I’m doing a sleepover shift that started at 8AM. I haven’t been outside since I got here, almost 12hrs ago. Still 14 to go… :frowning:



Are you making fun of my package!?


Well, not yours specifically, I’m probably referring to any number of packages with the same… er… attributes as yours.

To be honest, I’m not aware of any contemporaries who have even documented the apparently self-defining existence of said package.


Are you admitting that my package might be historical and mythical?


Are you implying your package is mythical? :wink:


Elves are mythical; is your package elfin?


Praise the Sun!


Considering it just came out, I might do that.


I would if I could see it. I think nothing short of human sacrifice will make that happen where I am, and then still probably not.


It is not your fault, you only know what you have been taught about African history.

Osiris, Horus and Isis are pre-dynastic mythical gods. Meaning they were documented before the beginning of the African-Kemetic/Anu (Egyptian/Ethiopian) dynastic period. .They are a part of a group of pre-dynastic mythical African gods known as “The Black Anu”

There myths were written, re-written and revised over all 31 plus African-Kemetic dynasties covering some 7,000 plus years. You cite but one of the numerous myths of Osiris, Horus and Isis.You are not familiar with the bulk of the varied myths of Osiris, Horus and Isis, or else you would not have cited but one of the myths connected to these three mythical pre-dynastic African gods, as if it is the only and defining myth.

Osiris is the most important, revered and written about god in African-Kemetic/Anu history–he alone has many and various myths.

As I stated in my OP I will cite in another post the parts of the "much older’ and varied myths, characteristics and attributes assigned to Osiris, Horus and Isis that was stolen to make up the bulk of the characteristic, attributes and myth of Jesus.

You validate the existence of people and historical events, not by hearsay and gossip (as in the case of the mythical Jesus)–but by the four major fields of anthropology: biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, linguistic anthropology, and archaeology–combined with documentation from: primary sources, secondary sources, tertiary sources and radio carbon dating of artifacts…

You may want to familiarize yourself with the historical work of the following people–of which there are many others.

Heinrich Karl Brugsch–1827-1894—a German Egyptologist and scholar. Brugsch worked on the translation of the Rosetta Stone and was a friend and associate of the French scholar and archaeologist Auguste Mariette (1821–1881 CE) in his archaeological excavations at Memphis, Egypt. He was director of the School of Egyptology in Cairo, Egypt, and he was the African/Kemetic/Egyptian commissioner at the Philadelphia World Exposition of 1876 CE.

From Britannica.com

Sir E. A. Wallis Budge—July 27, 1857-Nov. 23, 1934, curator (1894–1924) of Egyptian and Assyrian antiquities at the British Museum, London, for which he collected vast numbers of cuneiform tablets, Egyptian papyri, and Greek, Coptic, Arabic, Syriac, and Ethiopic manuscripts. He entered the museum’s service in 1883 and subsequently made many trips to Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Sudan to conduct archaeological excavations. He published many works, including translations of ancient texts such as the ‘Egyptian Book of Coming Forth By Day’ (Book of the Dead), Egyptian Religion, The Gods of the Egyptians; Volumes 1 and 2. etc He was knighted in 1920.

Dr. John Henrik Clarke—January 1, 1915 – July 12, 1998

Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop—1923–1986

Yosef Ben-Jochannan (Dr. Ben)— December 31, 1918 – March 19, 2015

Dr. Ivan Van Sertima—26 January 1935 – 25 May 2009

Dr. Théophile Obenga—1936-present

Dr. Molefi Kete Asante—August 14, 1942-present

Dr. Maulana Karenga—1941-present

Dr. Asa G. Hilliard III—August 22, 1933 – August 13, 2007)

Chancellor Williams 1893-1992

J. A. Rogers (September 6, 1880 or 1883 – March 26, 1966)


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But Jesus is associated with the sun in the Bible–and he is the mythical “son” of god.

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I’m an Eagle Scout. I’ll mosey on over and get whatever you need burning catastrophically. The fire department will give up their investigation as an inexplicable act of god. Don’t worry, I have my own marshmallow sticks.


Naw man. For the really good blood magic goats and men won’t do. Nothing short of sacrificing the son of god will work for breaking this suffocating gloom.

Someone help me put this cross together.