Racial Bias Watch: How is the media covering the Waco biker gang shootout?

What does that have to do with racial bias in corporate media?

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again:

It doesn’t its just an interesting detail about why the fight happened.


It’s been about 20 years, but I recall Olive Garden winning a vote for most romantic dinner in Waco.


i can’t help myself.

riot used to mean a rowdy party. ‘late 14c., “behave in a dissolute manner, engage in loose revelry,”’. the meaning has already been stretched like taffy.

c. 1200, “debauchery, extravagance, wanton living,” from Old French riote (12c.) “dispute, quarrel, (tedious) talk, chattering, argument, domestic strife,” also a euphemism for “sexual intercourse,” of uncertain origin. Compare Medieval Latin riota “quarrel, dispute, uproar, riot.” Perhaps from Latin rugire “to roar.” Meaning “public disturbance” is first recorded late 14c. Meaning “something spectacularly successful” first recorded 1909 in theater slang.

Words are fluid.


FWIW here’s what the local coverage says. EDIT: the comment is from a local resident.

“Since I’m getting so much local coverage of this issue it’s hard to know what goes on nationally, but here’s the local account, there’s not one bit of tap dancing, no mincing of words. Gangs, organized criminal activity very prominent.”

Damn, that’s going to be in my head all day now.

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That’s because the vast majority of the public gets antsy when Jane Doe driving down the street, or Jim Smith in his convenience store, are set upon by the few shitbirds in a crowd of protestors.

They also get upset when a three year old black girl on her porch gets caught in the crossfire of a drive-by.

But when gangs of violent assholes, black or white, kill each other and leave bystanders out of it - the public does not give a shit. And honestly, neither do I.

You’re saying that the media treatment of entire movements or large protests is biased not by race but by media attempting to find what best frightens average Americans? So race is just a prop in their efforts?

Oh, well then, carry on…?

Say, how do you explain white riots with similar destruction of private property & assaults that are covered as fun romps in the public domain?

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“You know what I noticed? Nobody panics when things go according to plan. Even when the plan is horrifying. If tomorrow I told the press that, like, a gang-banger would get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics. Because it’s all part of the plan. But when I say that one little old mayor will die, well then everybody loses their minds!”
—The Joker (The Dark Knight)



“Sometimes his wife dons matching Boozefighters biker gear and heads out
with him. The club, despite its name, is a family affair, he said, full
of working guys like him who raise money to help veterans, victims of
child abuse and domestic violence.”

Lots of criminal organizations are family affairs, and all gangs are family affairs. It’s their primary appeal.

Pretty much all of them surround themselves with people willing to be willfully ignorant in exchange for some benefit, even if it’s just a sense of belonging.

If you asked a politician whether they were on the take or otherwise guilty of “X” and they responded with “but I raise money for veterans, children, old people and everything” instead of answering your question, they’ve answered your question & you know not to vote for them and to recommend an enquiry.

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