Racist, violent Colorado gang that engages in a "consistent pattern of illegal behavior" turns out to be the police department

often it’s the other way around. police leadership via the unions have longer continuity than local government. and in most places - changing only a little bit more recently - candidates fight over who has the endorsement of the union, ask for donations from them, etc.

add on top of that the contracts which prevent change, and the ability to use force ( or harassment ) against officials and their families…

lots of towns im sure the sheriff is the law ( rather than the enforcer of law ), and you only have to look at cities like nyc to see which group has the most money and toys


I marched on Aurora PD on the anniversary of his death and we all recited his last words. It was powerful and horrible.


I mean, #1 DOC for cops is nicotine. But yes, after that, alcohol and steroids and coke and amphetamines.

They’re always snapping their nicorette and eyeballing you behind their $12 wraparounds.

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Oh, god. Such an awful nicotine transfer method. Then again, ain’t they all.

I sure wouldn’t want to encounter a cop who’s quitting smoking!


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