Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/06/26/rat-takes-up-residence-in-atm.html
To build next what?
It’s a start…
(Many of the ills of late stage capitalism are the result of (mostly digital) money as score-keeping…)
commie rat
Home renovations seemingly always wind up costing a lot more money than expected.
Not content with kicking humans out of their homes, now the bank is killing rats who try to make their homes in the ATM. Is there no end to the banks’ monstrous evil?
Yea, but on the other hand, the last guy who tried to abolish money was Pol Pot.
Not in the NEW Russia, Americanski.
My parents recently had their central air conditioning unit serviced, and when the guy opened up the condenser he found that it was occupied… by what he reported as a “high-rise condo for mice.” The tenants were duly evicted and the (mouse poop-filled) condenser replaced without issue, but just hearing about that really sealed the deal for me on any prospect of abandoning white collar tech busywork for a trade.
Must’ve been one of those higher-level IT rats; they always blow a fortune on housing near where they work.
rat destroys wealth of others to line their nest of Indian real estate? where have I heard this one before…
Lots of people hide money in their mattresses, they just don’t chew it to shreds first.
That mouse’s papa is sleeping / living like a king.
Not abolish. Just deal with the fact that above certain levels and in certain circumstances ( cough hedge funds cough) it’s a scoring device. Once a personal fortune becomes literally impossible to spend in a lifetime, it’s no longer money and can be converted to cribbage points with absolutely no effect.
The rat was probably done in by residual cocaine dust from all of those bills it chewed up.
Given the size of the typical rat’s nest, at $18,000 it’s relatively more expensive than even the 2.6 million Silicon Valley bungalow in the prior post. Guwahati must be prime real estate.
Normally the rats are in the executive suites of the banks, not the ATMs.
That sound extremely suspicious. I would be very surprised if the amount of shredded currency found with the rat is the same as the amount missing.
“The value of money in a post-apocalyptic future”, thesis by Rat, A. (India, 2018)