Razer has saved 1.4 million trees with Sneki Snek

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/04/19/razer-has-saved-1-4-million-trees-with-sneki-snek.html

it is.

wow. in offices. what about production?

wow, “recycled” plastics, they say?

ah, “saving”. could it be thats used as co2 compensation for production?

great. only 3 trillion to go. and the customer pays with razers merch.

fuck. that.

I hear that guy will sneak up behind you and steal all your root beer.


Tom T. hall, is that you?

All joking aside I agree, this is just the next step in green washing lip service. I really wanted a Kitsune until I saw that the micro switches aren’t replaceable. It’s $300 dollars worth of “disposable” keyboard then. They should make their products sustainable first, it’s where they have the most impact.


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