Read the 1975 owner's manual for the Pet Rock

Originally published at: Read the 1975 owner's manual for the Pet Rock - Boing Boing


The best part about Pet Rocks? With proper training, they can be used to fight fascism.




also semi-obligatory:

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One of my favorite parts from the owner’s manual, much of which is comedy gold, from the Health Care section of the manual:

“If you are getting blood out of your rock you should contact the Internal Revenue Service immediately. They’ve been attempting to do this very thing for years.” :laughing:


Years ago I was talking to a very literal minded employee of mine in Germany and mentioned a pet rock off hand. He completely stopped the conversation and demanded I explain it more. I did. He still didn’t get it. On my next trip over, I brought him one (probably that one from the link, from what I recall). I remember him being so confused.

I love how very dumb and stereotypically American it is.


“You know there are people in this world who don’t have to put up with
all this shit? Like that guy that invented the pet rock. You see,
that’s what you have to do. You have to use your mind and come up with
some really great idea like that and you never have to work again!”

The guy made a million dollars


Not as far off the mark as you might think.

CPI Inflation Calculator:  .95 in:  December 1975 ...  has the same buying power as 370x4272.40 in: August 2024

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