Rebecca Solnit on how Trump's quest for more adulation made him "the most mocked man in the world"

This may be pretty true of psychopaths in general. Or that they just don’t care.

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I don’t see his impeachment happening without causing an actual civil war.

I think the best we can hope for is that his natural ineffectiveness will cause sufficient disaffection in his base that they will accept the results of the 2020 election (presuming he loses…) without loading up their plentiful guns and heading out the door to shoot some lib’ruls and mooslims and anyone else they consider to be not enough like themselves.

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“I hope Trump ends up dying alone, exiled to his least posh overseas golf resort.”

Today, after reading about his plans to with draw the USA from the Paris Accords:

“I hope Trump dies on a urine-soaked mattress in a jail cell with five guys who snore really loudly.”


I like! your analysis, and it’s what a thinking, considerate person would perform before some other significant action or decision. But I’m doubtful that whatever benefits could be gleaned from analyzing Trump – even if it provides complete understanding – would include positive influence over Trump who appears to have no comprehension of cause and effect. He is a runaway train without a driver.


You are probably right. Sad!

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Thats what I hear is true about psychopaths (they recognize when theyre breaking a moral/legal boundary, they just don’t care).

I think Trump is a little more complicated psychopath. His denial is so strong and so internalized, his brain magnificently structures What He Wants as moral/proper/legal/necessary. And with this denial of reality firmly in place, he takes that extra step that “normal” psychopaths don’t need to do.

I think once Trump commits himself to the lie, he may not know he’s lying. A “normal” psychopath always knows he’s lying.


or something like that

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In which 45 will swiftly die in a palace coup and Pence will become “Rep., Gilead”


Agreed, and I never thought that Sarah Palin could be matched for hr lack of knowledge. But I’ve been wrong before.

At no point in history has the US electorate (or Australian, or British, or…) not been poorly educated and wilfully misinformed. It’s not ideal, but democracies can normally cope.

It’s important to remember that the rise to power of the TrumpGOP was not due to a failure of democracy but instead due to a deliberate perversion of it. Only 25% of the electorate voted for the bastard.

The dysfunction of the US electoral system (including the infamously low turnout figures) is not something that happened by chance.


The funny thing and it’s something I’ve read multiple places is that nearly everything that’s happening is of his making. He basically inherited from Obama what should have been presidenting on “easy mode” - economy was in good shape, friendly executive branch, no big domestic crisis to deal with, and so on and took every effort possible to crank up the difficulty up to “insane with every multiplier enabled”.

Like if he just kept his head down, did nothing other than sign a few splashy executive orders, and didn’t turn every day into a yuge “look at me!” display he’d probably have a much higher popularity rating and many of the current controversies would be non existent, or at least not front page news. Basically everything has been of his own making.


Ha ha!

I was actually thinking this today. “Remember how absolutely gobsmacked everyone was that Palin was potentially going to be in a national office?”. “Remember thinking that it made the USA look like some backwater redneck nation?” (praise Jeebus).

In some sense her run kind of did pave the way for tRump. (and I’d gladly trade her for him at this moment!)

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