Continuing the discussion from Welcome to Lounge Wobegon, where the regulars are all handsome, the discussion is all in one thread, and all of the posts are above average:
Great, now everyone knows about us.
Aye, want to tickle the bottom of the shark-jumping gamekeeper?
I fuckin suck at these too…
Stop eeyyyye re bus
This’ll be console/nintendo/64/logo uk/flag/brit take/minus grass/field shortly.
You pirate/cookie/plunder core shock
Took me a loooong time: thistle bee n oi england short Lee.
And I required authorial assistance.
Actually using the english flag ‘would have made it too easy’…
That’s 50% right… Need a little help?
You are correct
(so, perhaps I dont?)
Ewe arr core ect
beat me by seconds

<img src="//" width=“300” height=>
Makes perfect sense:
tidal waves divorce a starfleet without tree ms, hoff-hut water-drugs mark the breakup of depeche mode.
I think that should be port nacelle minus (tree minus m)
which would be port nacelle minus tree plus m
And doesn’t that make so much more sense?!!!
OK; THATCH - CH = I give up
Water (what are)
Split? Divorce? Break? She (the?)
Nacelles - (elm - m) = Nass
Thatch - CH = That
Mark Wahlberg picture from The Happening - half of The The (The)
What are the chances of that happening?