Red delicious apples tasted good until farmers bred the flavor out


Here you go

NPR produces decent transcripts. The speakers are even identified by name.


Bless you for finding that. Couldn’t find a link to it anywhere in the original link or the linked podcast episode page. I really wish they would make it clear when such resources are available to their readers/listeners.

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So I read the transcript of that episode (h/t to @jerwin for finding and linking the transcript!!), and I’m not seeing any indication of three of those being the same apple. The closest I could get to any overlapping types of apples being identical was this single line from near the end of the piece: “Pro tip - if you see Pink Lady and Crips Pink in the same store, just buy whichever one’s cheaper because they’re the same apple.” Wikipedia entries for each of the listed apple types seem to indicate all of them are distinct types, with some sharing of partial commonalities at the parent or grandparent stage.

I quit trying to figure it out. That would take biochemistry degree, and lab and a lot of time that I don’t have, so I just eat my sister-in-law’s apples. But thanks for the good wishes.

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