Red Delicious, that most vile breed of Apple, no longer America's favorite

That’s near where 12 runs into the Gravenstein Hwy? I’m through there several times/year.


Gotta stop eating the product, man!


Fujis also store well for a long time.


My little apple tree is laden with dozens of beautiful, juicy, and not-too-sweet bicolor apples.

My current favorite apple - and I’m an apple fan - is one from New Zealand named Smitten.


Millennials haven’t been blamed yet? I’ll keep the list handy just in case.

American Cheese
Big Beer
Toys Я Us


“America’s apple distributors’ favorite”


I’ve been a Granny Smith man from way, way back but since my rebellious kids have taken to requesting Honey Crisp I’ve begun developing a taste for them as well.

I’ve called ‘Red Deliciious’ apples ‘Red Disgusting’ for years.


Indeed it could have. I was in apple bliss so I didn’t consider that.

Cox’s Orange Pippins or GTFO, BITCHES!*
* That’s the gender-inclusive “bitches!”, bitches!


I’m not going to restrict myself to one favorite. I have an old Red Delicious apple tree. And the fruits are really tasty when they are ripe and right off the tree. But there are so many other great apples, too. Gravenstein, Cox Orange Pippin, Brown Russet, Akane, Williams Pride (especially for a July apple), Hudson Golden Gem, and so many more. And plenty of feral apples, planted by the birds in hedgerows, are wonderful – and keep for months. Get them local, picked and stored correctly, and there’s a world of apple goodness!

I’m just happy that we still have a wide selection of apples to choose from.

The day will come when we will look back on these silly arguments about food preferences and realize just how fortunate we once were.


i like the envy a lot myself. it has a pleasant sweetness without any cloying aspects, a complex flavor with both tartness and mellow notes. the texture is firm and crunchy without being hard to eat.

another apple with a lovely flavor, although it is somewhat of a softer apple, is the eve.


Yeah, I’ve avoided red apples since I was a kid. Thanks, Disney…


Me too, back when apples had just been invented. I wouldn’t bother with one now. To my taste, Granny Smiths are going the same way, becoming the apple of choice on the conference room lunch table that one walks by on the way to the doughnuts.

For cooking, Spys. For eating, McIntosh, Fujis, Snows, and numerous others. Russets have a really distinctive taste, if you can find them.


I buy organic honey crisp… god damn they’re good!

I’m a Fuji man, myself, but I feel like the RD gets a bad rap because people don’t pick them right. I’ve found that simple tactile inspection is usually enough to enure an apple of appropriate crisposity.


OMG. Pink Lady for the win. Tart, Crisp, Juicy, Sweet. Any apple with the name delicious in it isn’t.

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Soylent green is people. Except for the rich and connected.


Time for a good keyboard cleaning, methinks.

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Bravo. Completely agree with you. I don’t like most other apples, but a nice, crisp, red delicious goes in my lunch regularly. Fuck people who frown on them, it’s my choice to eat them, and at least it’s healthier than eating a candy bar. Plus if you pick them right, they aren’t mealy at all, they’re hard and crisp and juicy.

You folks eat what you like, and I’ll eat what I like. Like someone else said, we may look back on this time and remember in wonder the choice and variety we had.

Also, I’m sure next it will be: those fucking bananas you buy are twisted yellow evil arms of death, you should eat these OTHER bananas that are sooooo much better!