Red Mars: a very belated appreciation

Originally published at:


Nail on the head, exact same problem here! Started it twice I think but lost momentum. KSR is, as you say, cool’n’great though, I must bump it right back up the list.

In fact, I think I’ll put down Reynold’s Blue Remembered Earth right now, it’s not really doing it for me, and switch to Red Mars instead…

Red Mars…is the first volume in a trilogy, each of which depicts a different vision of the [dis|u]topiian establishment of a permanent human settlement on Mars.

Sorry Cory, it’s not a “three versions” trilogy like Three Californias, it’s a straight chronological trilogy. It’s still brilliant though! Please read and share your thoughts with us!

ETA: How is this post from 2004 just now trending in the BBS?


You’re in for a treat, Cory. It gets better. Green Mars also has one of the pithiest descriptions of “free”-market fundies ever written:

“That’s libertarians for you — anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.”

Good catch. @orenwolf : zombie topic.