Donald Trump himself.
The internet of things, smart phones, surveillance capitalism, and targeted advertising. And touch screens.
Charging interest/profiting from money lending.
Multi-level marketing
I had the same thought, but for employees. Workers shouldn’t have to sign away their rights as a condition of employment.
came here for fossil fuels easily number one (and plastic second.)
all the stuff listed in this thread ought to be illegal, but I don’t get why it isn’t more prevalent an answer. I mean, fixing any other suggestions is a hollow victory if the planet won’t sustain life anymore.
edit: illegalizing LLCs and “corporations are people” would be third I think, this would take care of a lot of other problems stemming from wealth concentration and buying legislation with that money. or help a lot toward that end.
Oh, damn. I missed it. Thank you for quoting it!
“You know, Burke, I don’t know which species is worse.
You don’t see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage.”
four percent doesn’t come from just anywhere.
Speech that makes me uncomfortable.
Two different questions here, with different answers
What is the worst thing that is legal, and should be illegal?
What is the worst thing that is legal, and yet should remain legal?
The USA in its current incarnation.
Our nation has allowed a cult of insanity to come in and roost, putting the ability to right things nearly out of reach. It is shades of naziism, the USSR or the Spanish inquisition here right now. Misinformation everywhere you turn. Angry mobs of anti-science fake news junkies calling everyone else traitors. Racist vigilantes running amuck, never being charged. 1/3 of the legislature in open sedition. A mob boss as President. Utter disarray as Covid rampages.
Legal. Should be illegal. Should be different.
Currently… Trump’s pardons.
I’m not saying it comes from nowhere. I was pointing out, based on @anon55609254’s figure, that one can live comfortably and securely on $400k a year by the terms of the “4% Rule” (and that no-one needs to make $40-million a year by the same terms).
Also, that quote from Aliens is more about Burke’s self-destructive greed than it is about her rejection of interest-based income.
Why would someone suggest phone spoofing is the worst thing? When my house was stolen by a con artist scum bag in Cranbrook b.c the only way I could get him to answer the phone was to spoof B.C.lottocorp. as my phone number.
Pharmaceutical advertising on TV. Thanks, Clinton
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