Reddit's most toxic communities charted

It occurs to me that what incenses people about Richard Dawkins is not his “militant” support of atheism, but rather that he tends to talk about religion and religious people exactly the same way that religious people casually talk about non-religious people. I don’t think he gets that, mind you.


I’m an atheist, and basically everyone knows it. Richard Dawkins is a self-absorbed asshole. Lots of Atheists dislike Richard Dawkins (as he is today, which is pretty terrible).


I used to be a subscriber to that sub, early on in my self I realization process about being an atheist, and it was honestly ki d of a helpful place even when people did get overly heated and vociferous and a bit anti-theistic. I’venever been one for the latter, but the overall “echo chamber” type of environment was helpful for not feeling isolated and helping to make me more comfortable with my newly forming opinions on atheism. As my atheistic views became more normalized for me, my need for and participation in the community dropped off. Eventually I outgrew it, and the posts that came up on my front page started to irk me (they often are a bit childish, especially the comments). So I ended up unsubscribing. There are a few more calm and discussion-oreiented communities for atheists on reddit, to, so I occasionally visit those.

One thing that I realized later on was how similar my need for an overtly atheistic space was to my need for explicitly LGBT spaces during early stages of my coming-out process. Getting to be in places where gender and sexual minority persons were the majority also helped to normalize my own newly acknowledged orientation. And now, I don’t have the same kind of urgent need for these kind of spaces, but they’re still good to have and to visit, for the community and for the refreshing feeling of not being the minority element for a while.

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Yeah, editing the post made it supremely confusing and near impossible to read. Can’t you just plain rewrite it, with maybe a notice that this is a corrected version?


Do you mean the chart? Or the all caps?? :wink:

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