Reddit's new content policy goes into effect, many horrible subreddits banned or quarantined

Honestly this gets a big ¯_(ツ)_/¯ from me. Those people move out of their corner of the internet to bother people in other places until someone starts up /r/coontown2.

Yeah they’re assholes, but I’m fine with them being assholes in their own tiny area of the internet and not bothering me. Shutting down their congregating place will not stop someone from being the hole of an ass.

It stops them from having corporate sponsorship. They can take that shit to Stormfront or start their own site.


[quote=“ActionAbe, post:18, topic:63169”]
At the end of the day though, this is why companies are starting to care about online harassment: It hurts the bottom line.
[/quote]Most places would have booted the white supremacists and child porn dudes years ago, not publicly defended them until it started affecting the bottom line. I really don’t accept the idea that you need a financial motive to say “Yeah… gonna get that stuff off our website.”


Have you not meet the Republican Party? They’re not a fringe group. I don’t know what “most places” is in this context.


The problem is a lot of these end up being used to target and harass people. I have a friend who STILL gets constant harassment and told to kill themselves on a weekly basis, and all of it can be tracked back to subreddits like TiA.


So they can take it to Freep.


But you’re not going to find one. The reason why they were left to fester is because they didn’t/don’t want to pay many moderators to begin with. Besides the brogrammer-libertarian “free speech on corporate servers” mindset.

That definitely sounds fair. I’m not saying sites shouldn’t try to stop this abusive behavior from going on on their turf. I really wonder how well it helps when they do have easily available alternative locations to go. Reddit’s previous wild west approach to their site can’t be easy to change without upsetting people as we’ve already seen.

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Do you have proof of that? Report it to their mods. They take it seriously. No really, they do; they don’t want to be banned.

See, that’s the same accusation that people throw at ShitRedditSays; the group that highlights the racist, homophobic, sexist shit on Reddit, and makes fun of it. “You should ban them, they say mean things about me! People started downvoting me after my shitty comment was in SRS!”

TumblrInAction isn’t much different imho, other than that once in a while they have an influx of daffy right-wingers who want to make fun of kids for being dumb.

The similarity between the two groups is that it’s a place to poke fun at stupid shit people say, in an isolated space.

I have no doubt that both groups have problems with people who harass, doxx, etc., but I doubt that it’s significantly higher than people who just run across it organically and say, “dafuq?”

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So now that you’ve outed yourself as someone who thinks it’s funny to try to push kids to suicide for being gay, maybe you should shut the fuck up?

TiA is a hate reddit. It is dedicated to hate. It is all about harassment, bigotry, and abuse. It, and anyone who ever uses it, or would ever defend it, has no redeeming value. I have seen them target people who talk about their abusive parents and say they deserve to be abused, harass transgender or mentally ill children, and fly the flag of racism proudly constantly going on with the most basic and obvious anti-black bullshit imaginable. Their “linked communities” include subreddits that openly and proudly support known, convicted rapists stalking and harassing women, or literal self-identifying neo-nazis preaching about the evils of Jews.

Chances are, if TiA doesn’t like someone, it’s because that person is a decent human being - unlike anyone who would ever go onto TiA for fun.

You are a liar. End of fucking story, you are a LIAR who supports the harassment and abuse of others. They OUTRIGHT have on their reddit page a support like to other subreddits that are run by rape-apolgists that target women, or that spread the anti-Semitic rantings of proud holocaust deniers. And here you are, defending them. It has CONSTANTLY been proven that people go from TiA and brigade anyone posted with harassment and hate, racial and ableist slurs and the like. The “don’t attack others” is just the barest amount of ass-covering so bigots like you can defend them even though it’s obvious to anyone with half a brain where the harassment is coming from.

They take it seriously? Prove it. Prove that TiA takes the fact that they are a nexus for some of the worst, most vile people imaginable seriously and have taken steps to stop it. Prove it. Prove that all the people who have posted proof that the anonymous harassment messages that came from visitors clicking through from TiA are liars.

Edit: I just checked the subreddit for some easy proof of your bullshit, and found ANOTHER one of my friends on there - one who’s been getting swarmed by actual white supremacists recently, openly defending slavery and murderous cops. Well, I guess that answers why he’s been getting so much nastiness, huh?

If you use “SJW” as an insult in any serious way, you’re an awful, worthless person, and there’s really nothing more that can be said on the matter.


And I’m saying let them. Let their moderators handle that sickness, and have the racist admins get SWATted when they inevitably are forced to moderate something or other. Maybe one group of racists hates another group outside of the enemy-of-my-enemy-is-my-friend playing nice, and someone has to step in.

I doubt they can stand each other as well as they hate others.

This announcement, much like nigh every announcement Reddit makes on the issue of subreddit content and censorship, reeks of falsities and corpspeak. Spez’s comments, in response to questions regarding the problems posed by the new policy and its current level of application, only go to show how this is basically putting the already-existing policy of “Ban what we don’t agree with and what advertisers don’t like” to paper.

For example, it’s a longstanding awkward-chuckle joke that SRS is a pet subreddit that will never be banned, regardless of how often it breaks nearly every site rule (in regards to brigading and doxxing). Previously, this was, at least, a joke - however, Spez’s own statements have, worryingly, confirmed that the grain of salt present in every bit of satire is actually the full truth of the matter - even though SRS’s rules breaches are acknowledged, the admin response is not to actually enforce the rules, but try to apply “technology” as to keep the rules from being broken in the future. By analogy, this is like saying that, in response to whether an infamous thief will be jailed that you’ll instead “take his lockpicks away” - while, at the same time, hunting down petty candy thieves with McCarthyist zeal.

Another example is /r/wtf and the new quarantine rule. The new content policy says that subreddits that would be “offensive or disturbing to the average redditor” Here we see that the “status quo” (by whose definition?) defines rules, not, y’know, the rules themselves. If /r/wtf can avoid being quarantined - despite hosting content that is shocking, offensive, and disgusting (seriously, the gore alone) - by just slapping NSFW tags on its posts, why, then, are other subreddits censored? Simple: because /r/wtf has a big subscriber base (even though inflated by its old default status) and brings in ad revenue, and its moderators are part of the old guard.

Censorship is never, never, never a good thing in the long run. Stomping on an idea is like trying to stop a basketball from bouncing by kicking it into the floor - the ball isn’t going to stop bouncing, all you’re gonna do is make it bounce back harder. Ideas can be defeated - either by rational deconstruction of that idea (for people who listen to reason), or by letting it wither and die (as is the case with institutionalized racism/sexism/etc; old dog new tricks as it is), but not suppressed - unless you’re willing to commit genocide and historical revisionism to wipe out all traces of the idea ever existing.

Sure, Reddit is a private enterprise and is free to do what they want. Don’t want loli on your site? Don’t want racist commentary? Ban it, go ahead! Just don’t try to whitewash it as some sort of moral uprightness that’s beyond reproach, especially not while actively breaking that very same “moral code” in your own favor.

Seriously? You’re saying that felony harassment is okay, so long as it’s against bad people?

What a delightful misquote!

I said that it’s inevitable that they will devour their own. Let them draw themselves downward. Let them sink into the morass of their own sponsored hate.

And how much of that actually exists outside of Gamergate personalities trying to create a false equivalence?

Violentacrez doxxing.

Link limited, but there’s plenty more. “SRS brigades” is as much of a given as “TRP advocates rape.”

Though apologies for the misinterpretation of that quote; definitely a misread on my end.

So that doesn’t actually exist outside of Gamergate personalities trying to create a false equivalence.

  1. Vote brigading from any subreddit initiates shadowbans.
  2. What you posted and the connected post doesn’t point to SRS doxxing but Gawker.

And my multiple-times-a-day use of Reddit did not change one iota.

This is nothing except good news.

Wait, a link from SRS to a “shitty post” is proof of brigading? SRS links to threads so they can safely downvote (er… upvote… no wait… downvote…) in peace without “disturbing the poop” as it were.

In fact, I would wager that what you posted is evidence of SRS not being a brigading force.

The top thread of srs right now is amazing.


Of course the source is questionable at best, but there is ample proof that brigading happens, whether SRS mods like it or not. SRS reminds me of early days of /b/, where a bunch of memetically charged reactionary movement of people with free times finally found something to do. I am making this post at 3:30AM, so I am not one to point fingers, I just hope this time it leads to something good.