Relax, Sarah Palin just solved California's drought crisis

The problem is, Cali is used to (over the most recent century) abundant fresh water from that snowpack, and from occasional rainfall. I think the archaeological record shows previous periods of drought, fairly severe ones.

Whether it’s all the fault of AGW or not, if we stop burning carbon altogether right now, it will only take five or ten centuries for the CO2 level to drop. So we are going to have to get used to the new climate regime.

Areas other than Cali are having a relatively cool, wet summer.

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Fer fucks sake, that better not be water!

I hear what you are saying and I am not going to even bring up AGW.

I know sometimes I sound crazy… But… Depositing glaciers on top of the sierras from Antarctica may not be terrible. A few hydrogen bombs set of on the east side of the sierras might help. Dumping sea water into volcanoes could… Be awesome.

Raining down comets into the Pacific is my favorite option.


Probably more like one guy spitting down into the middle of a forest fire.


About those comets …

CS2 and HCN and H2S are stinky things to be raining into the pacific. Not that the idea makes much sense in the first place … getting into space is hard, and making arbitrary changes to the orbits of mountain-range-sized chunks of comet stuff even harder.

It would probably make more sense to crash them into the moon to supply water and atmosphere to a moon colony.

And to eat less meat, because producing it takes a fuckton of water–

animals have to be fed grains or feed of some type. Alfalfa is an incredibly water-intensive crop, it actually uses—alfalfa which is fed primarily to livestock, uses 10 percent of all of California’s water—or 15 percent, excuse me. So the water footprint that’s embedded in the products that the animals are eating goes on to that animal product and then on to the consumer. So, again, you know, looking at a pound of beef in California takes from 2,500 to 8,000 gallons of water to produce. These are extremely water-intensive products.


Course it is…

YEP!! Times thousand!!

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Have you seen the movie? It’s good!

No. You’re using the wrong units. You can use 1 watt or a million watts to desalinate any amount of water. It just will take different amounts of time to do so depending on the power available and the amount of water to desalinate.

You use energy to figure out power over time. It may take 2.4 kilowatt-hours of energy to desalinate a gallon of water, but that also means you could do it with 1.2 kilowatts of power, and it would take two hours, for a grand total of 2.4kwh.

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I corrected that. I was lazy. 2400 w hours at 115 volts.

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It’d still be pretty cool. I’d donate to kickstart “Project to dump bigass 2 billion gallon bucket of sea water into active volcano’s caldera”.


BTW, drunken rant.

Know know what annoys me?

People that lecture me about electricity when i make an obvious, easy to correct error.

But don’t understand about stretch tuning or other ways waves are used or processed.

Yes, I used a common household way of measuring load. (Hiccup). Don’t be unawair when you mention a rock ballad you love and I dissect how the absolute tuning that conforms to overtones is really bunk, and it ruined everything due to lack of knowledge of psychoacoustics.


Happy Fourth!!!

(If it isn’t clear this is 90% tongue in cheek… Except for the parts where you knew what I was talking about but I said them wrong. WTF am I talking about!? Hard cider is strong!!)


I love you @japhroaig, have a happy and safe 4th man.


Why do the poor, isolated moon-people deserve a fart-based atmosphere?



You too! And thank you for excusing my ramblings.

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Should have realized you were as parched as greater LA


Lol, at the rate I ramble, I’d have to be a hyperconservative to not die from hypocrisy overload if I didn’t extend the courtesy of not taking rambling personally.


BTW, The reason I corrected you isn’t because of my natural pedantic nature. My dad’s been an electrician for 30+ years and taught me ohm’s law. Or rather drilled it into my head for years and years to the point where it’s like the results of the Ludiviko protocol, and it’s just jarring beyond belief when I see, for example, a human being capable of outputting “as much energy as a 120 volt battery”. Where I sit there, momentarily apoplectic thinking “EVERY GODDAMN THING IN THE UNIVERSE CAN STORE AS MUCH AS A 120 VOLT BATTERY! ESPECIALLY IF THAT BATTERY IS SPECIFIED TO OUTPUT 1 PLANK CHARGE AT 120 VOLTS FOR A DURATION OF 1 PLANK TIME!”

Then I dash off an incendiary correction.

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