Religious vaccine exemption letter to exempt you from working near the unvaccinated

My heart goes out to you. My wife and I constantly monitor the info releases about when she’ll be able to get a booster (got her series in feb with other med providers, and it looks like immunity ~8-10mo out is not so hot), and when our not quite old enough for a vaccine elementary schooler will be able to get her 1st series.

And then there are the parents who won’t mask up, and the not infrequent e-mails from the school about someone having covid exposure etc…

It’s infuriating and worrying that people don’t seem to want to understand what sort of shit we’re in. And as you note, even with a “minor” case, there are significant setbacks.

And it’s relatively preventable. Yeah, masks are uncomfortable. Nobody likes getting shots. Distancing and avoiding gatherings is a bit og a pain. These are all minor inconveniences that people just can’t be bothered to do to stop a disease that is killing their fellow people. They just can’t be bothered.


I’m doing what I want right now!

(Which, happily, does not involve putting anyone else in danger.)


I’m taking you at your word, just remember Xmas is right around the corner…


My wife’s employer has recently mandated vaccines for all employees, to much protest and hand-wringing of the unvaccinated losers.

Nearly a dozen were fired the other day for attempting to fake immunization records.

One amusing anecdote is regarding a fire-and-brimstone-type looney who swears up and down that the vaccine is the mark of the beast…last word is that he will be taking the vaccine after being offered a $1/hour raise as incentive. You can’t make shit like that up.


Holy F@ck! Retirement never looked so good to me and my Dear Wife.



@CCinBmore: I feel bad your you kid, we’re in sucktacular times thanks in no small part to selfish bastards. My own kid is in middle school, almost none of the 6th graders are vaccinated and it’s a constant worry. We got our first notice of a positive in the building yesterday. It’s just a matter of time before the building has to close for two weeks and everyone has to get tested before returning. :disappointed:


For the real loons claiming a religious exemption, what exactly is the exemption? Mark of the Beast is BS, or either they pick and choose which vaccines are acceptable. So what exactly is the exemption?


It’s the “I can do whatever I want because anything that I happen to believe is part of my religion because Jesus said the exact same thing somewhere in the Bible (how dare you ask me to cite a source!)” exemption.

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