Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/11/28/reporter-sidelined-after-on-air-illness.html
He sounds a lot more coherent than I would at my peak condition.
A boxing match from Cincinnati was on the old Dumont TV network around 1950, sponsored by a beer.
After each round the announcer would pour a glass of the product, take a pull, remark how good it was, and repeat. By six or eight rounds he was pretty lush.
If I hadn’t heard anything about illness, my first guess would be alcohol consumption.
Same. I’m glad his coworkers apparently caught it, but, I mean, this doesn’t sound significantly different from most sideline reports to me.
I love this.
We need more of this style of live at the moment reporting. I might take a good pull or two in sympathy,
Well, this just looks like me when I’m stoned. Maybe that’s how I’ve been pulling it off. People just assume I’m sick.
While intoxication is one possibility, I wonder if it might have been a stroke or other complication from having had covid-19. I’m no medical professional, but my understanding is that the secondary complications are a serious risk.
Whatever the cause, I hope he’s okay.
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