Republican Senator dumped ~$1.5m in stock before crash, while reassuring public that coronavirus was no big deal


That sound horrific for the poor horse. Glad you figured it out without anyone getting paralyzed. I’m sure there were no rides for many days while that healed.

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Draining the swamp is proceeding as scheduled.

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Plagues, wars and such have been great equalizers, historically. The unfolding disaster seems to be having this effect, in the US and UK in particular. Some mix of taxes and inflation will have to come soon to balance out the deployment of (imperfect) universal basic income and healthcare.

If only this could have happened some way other than through the emergence of a virus notably lethal to a very particular generation.

Add this Burr to the Burr List.

Looks like it was a bipartisan initiative.

If that means we can get another actual progressive senator out of reliably-blue California, then great.

Also, of course, Fox is trying to paint this as a Democratic corruption issue by calling her out by name in the headline and failing to mention the partisan alignment of those 3 colleagues of hers in either the headline or the lede paragraph. It takes them 6 paragraphs to get to even naming the other senators.


Much like the original article mentioned them but not her. The fact that someone is trying to spin it one way or the other doesn’t make it any better or worse, in itself.

The original article was written before Feinstein’s own sales were uncovered.

  1. The arms industry is a major funder of both parties.

  2. Millions of dead Iraqis/Afghans/Libyans/etc.

As with so much else, this is not new. It’s just a bit more obvious and closer to home now.


Franken was a scum who abused his authority to assault women, but retained enough respect for his office to step down once the cat was out of the bag.

I can’t think of a single Drumpf Republican that has voluntarily stepped down because of their own malfeasance; even though I can name several that have been exposed doing far worse. They just hide behind their rapidly growing super-sized wall of shame, and wait for the traitors-in-charge to dismiss it all.

( Note that shit is still shit; and his actions didn’t make Franken better than these bastards. It just makes them worse than him. )

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Because Al was a Democrat with a sense of shame and a need to do the right thing at his own expense. Republicans are neither of those things, and only care when it’s a Dem that has been caught doing wrong. Then you can’t shut them up. If it’s them or theirs doing wrong, you’ll either get silence or excuses matched with forgiveness from their party. At their cores they are sociopaths. If ever anyone doubted that, it should be crystal clear now that Trump has been in office for 3 years.

For a Republican, doing something like this is seen among their peers as shrewd and viewed with envy because they wish they had thought of it as well. I’m surprised Tucker Carlson is calling Burr out, and part of me thinks he’s doing it because of sour grapes. He didn’t get the warning in spite of being a loyal lap dog, his portfolio is suffering, and now he’s biting the hand that fed him for so long.


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