Republicans: Racist or Redeemable?

And they think that’s just as absurd as I do. Which is why the Democratic party has a rare moment to reach out. But that has to take the form of something other than “join our party or be a racist brainwashed hick”. As it is they’re just waiting for the Republican party to come to its relative senses, and I don’t blame them a bit given the alternative.

Sure, where Dem politicians are made of straw. We’re not in the Land of Oz, though. Here in the U.S., Democratic elected officials and candidates bend over backward not to sound that way.


When a political party, given the opportunity to state its platform, says only “We stand for (X)” and a person continues to give that party their support then it seems pretty fair to assume that person supports (X).


I doubt most of them have even actually read the second amendment, and its *checks copy of constitution* single sentence of 27 words. Also they seem to forget the second and third words are “well regulated”.

It’s not really about guns, it’s about fetishizing a hobby just to trigger the libs.


Yes, I am amazed to keep being told that my entire experience growing up in Louisiana was a total fiction, populated by phantoms, and really I was being unreasonable the whole time instead of being constantly attacked and belittled by the conservatives around me.

I just made up all the racism and homophobia that happened right in front of me, and imagined all the times I’ve been told I’m going to burn in hell.

Why can’t I see how polite and reasonable it is for my Dad to tell me that I have no common sense and that I’m so close minded for asking him to just not talk to me about politics anymore.


Can you show me three examples of federal-level politicians saying or insinuating that?
Because I can provide tons of examples of federal-level republican politicians insulting and belittling and stereotyping democrats on social media.
And I mean elected officials, not movie or tv personalities.
Most of your argument on this front seems to be in the vein of, “what republicans are told by right wing media that democrats think of them.”


Gaslighting comes naturally to the GOP and its supporters. And, apparently, to their apologists.


Someone who is determined not to see racism will likely never see it (because they have that privilege which allows them to ignore undeniable facts of life which don’t adversely affect them personally.)

Same as it ever was.



Right? I mean, it seems a lot of Trump and R apologists are totally okay with those people living in, basically, a “Mean Girls” version of the world, where it’s all gossip and “he said, she said,” and reality doesn’t matter, but it would really make a difference if the Dems would just extend the hand and try to understand.
I want us to be able to come together again, as a country, but this notion really rankles.


Compromise requires good faith from both parties. That’s why, at best, it is pointless to try and compromise with republicans and trumpists. And why it most often serves to do nothing but fuck over dems.


After the events of this year and watching interviews of folks at rallies who supported/enabled them (and wanted more of the same), I no longer believe that’s possible. They’ve proven themselves to be intolerant and selfish to the point of supporting the extermination of those who don’t share their beliefs. They want a separate country and a different form of government. The demands some of them are making now aren’t merely bullying, they’re the tactics of an abuser whose target has gained the upper hand.

Before any discussion of unity, they should have to go a long way to prove themselves worthy, not of trust, but just to be given the benefit of the doubt. I don’t personally believe apologists are sincere, because they did nothing to stop the mess the country is in now. They’ve done nothing to stop TPTB from making it worse to gain money or self-serving political points. Now they have the nerve to point the finger at the survivors of their assault and whine that they won’t shake their blood-stained hands.

Conditions for joining hands and working together should be set first. If those enablers make a sincere effort to atone for past mistakes, fix what they have broken, repay what was stolen, and clean up the mess they made, trust might be restored at some point in the future. Until then, we should watch and wait. They’ve shown us who and what they are, and I believe they won’t be able to mask it for very long (or fool us twice).


I fucking hate people who make that argument, stumping for irresponsible gun ownership. It is based on little more than LARPing fantasies and paranoia. In reality one is arguing for enabling gun theft, preventable and foreseeable accidents and kids killing each other playing with their parents’ gun in the house.

The NRA and typical “gun rights” idiots do not represent responsible law abiding firearms owners with legitimate uses for them. They enable interstate gun smuggling, promote reckless behavior and play to mostly racist based paranoid fear of “urban folk” and “gun takers”.



Calling out ACTUAL racism and support for racist policies is NOT the same thing as calling people “brainwashed racist hicks.” Not remotely. What has taken over the GOP under Trump is full on white nationalism. There is a direct line between Nixon’s “southern strategy” as well as the rebranding of white supremacy as more palatable and acceptable to mainstream republics to Trump’s election. It was enormously effective. An open white nationalist is president right now. This very second. It’s a fact of life that we should acknowledge.

Ah, but see, even if that’s your experiences (mine too), you’re just as bad for calling them out for doing this! BOTH SIDESSSSSSSS!!! /s

They likely mean something like basic acknowledgment of reality… :woman_shrugging:


The party of trump is out of the bag. It will take generations to even begin to try and put the evil back inside.

I’m done with them.


If Democrats want to pick up more votes, forget ever trying to appeal to Republicans. Just simply keep moving leftward and let demographic change take its course.

Urbanization, active defense of civil liberties and shifts in where immigration is coming from mean rural white supremacist derps are a shrinking population.

Bear in mind Trump barely took Texas. 51%. One of the narrowest margins for a Republican president since Nixon


Oh come on, that’s just plainly false and a cartoony oversimplification. The Republican politicians very explicitly support, for example, gun rights. There’s a whole lot of other rights they support too, but given that value alone they’d be crazy to vote for a Democrat, especially given the battle lines reflected here.

And it occurred to me that there’s a more far reaching alternative to the cultural exchange program I’m half joking advocating: a series of documentaries called “Meet a Libtard” and “Meet a Hick” (working titles). I sincerely think that if someone does a good enough job interviewing their subjects and digging deep enough it will no longer be possible to demonize what each side imagines to be their opposition. Putin will be pissed of course, since that directly undoes a lot of the hard work done by Russia’s trolley farms these last few years, but I say so be it.

I’d invite a Republican friend to come here and explain his position but something tells me he wouldn’t be treated in any way civilly or even as an adult.

Here’s a silly question, why bother appealing to a shrinking voter pool like Republicans?

Even in “Red States” with any population of note, they are losing their political grip. Relying on increasingly ineffective vote suppression/dilution tactics to maintain control.

Vote by mail dramatically increased voter turnout in areas Republicans tried to make voting as difficult as possible. (TX,GA,NC…)

You restore the Voting Rights Act and update it for current vote stealing actions and either the GOP will die off or need to rebrand and change.


Individual Republicans support gun rights. The Republican party made no mention of it in their platform this year.

Instead, the party as a whole made a collective decision that the only defining value that mattered was unconditional support for Donald Trump. It isn’t just me saying that, they put it in writing and everything.

So theoretically if Donald Trump suddenly decided that his “America First“ agenda was furthered by confiscating guns then the 2020 Republican Party platform would be anti-gun-rights.


Of white people, mainly men.
See above comments about Black people being shot by law enforcement for maybe, possibly, having a legal firearm. See Reagan and the CA Republicans enacting gun control when Black people organized and protected their communities by taking to the streets with legal firearms.