My apologies; I meant to indicate that the point had completely flown over my head and that I am nonplussed as to what the whole “leave the lounge topics only for the jlw crew and not give regulars their own conversations” fuss is about.
Dear @tinoesroho
Please could you exclude my posts from any archive you’re making. Thanks
I sure hope you don’t put this on your CV, because it’s lazy and sloppy. Several of us work in privacy and security. I know damn well I wouldn’t hire you at this point.
I wouldn’t hire myself, either.
Fine. You’ve made your point. I will not be releasing the archive. It’s going to get deep-iced: encrypted, stored on read only media, accessible only with an airgapped computer. I guess I’ll have to enjoy the banana gifs and beer gifs alone. gg;wp
I am not the only person to have made an archive, but I am the only person who has made a good-faith effort to try to make it accessible to the community who posted those messages while also protecting people’s privacy.
That was a mistake. There is no community left to speak of.
Let the entire discourse burn in flames. Let the diaspora begin. Let everybody begin the task of rebuilding communities on other boards and other sites. Let us leave all our discussions to be perused by jlw and co alone.
Is that what everybody wants?
It’s your idea about how to anonymize that is sloppy, and your disregard for other’s wishes over your own self aggrandized notion of what you are doing. I didn’t say anything about the content (banana gifs or otherwise). It’s about the community’s wishes, and your disregard for them.
Not your call to make.
Forget about the past; the past is lost, and it seems to be a near-consensus that it should stay lost.
As for the future: Do you have a better idea than rebuilding elsewhere?
Religions have been founded on less…
No. Any move we make results in accusations of cliquishness and tribalism. I appreciated the Regular system because any ol’ person could make it there through hard work and dedication, without having to hope that the gods would come down from olympus and invite you to a psuedo-lounge.
jlw doesn’t like BBS. He doesn’t want community. He just wants comment threads for his magazine. So let’s go build our own BBS.
Well, yes.
I realize that you’re feeling angry and betrayed, and are lashing out. I feel the same way. But those messages you have archived are not yours to archive.
Since I became a Regular, I have posted many things in the Lounge that were not intended to be posted beyond that small group. Indeed, I was somewhat dismayed when the rules were relaxed and some people I don’t particularly care for were added to the audience. A couple of times, I have gone back and deleted messages and images-- particularly photographs of my family-- that I felt compromised my privacy when shared among others. And that’s entirely my fault; I should know better. Please don’t try to override my decisions.
So… I’m guessing the reactions I’m seeing are just the beginning of the first wave of the ‘fallout’ from the Lounge being nuked.
I understand having reservations and being wary; trust is a hard commodity to come by at the best of times.
At the same time, lashing out at other members isn’t helping the situation.
Especially if the intent is genuinely being made in good faith.
Long story short;
My heart is heavy today along with my eyelids, as it seems like this may be the first step to getting rid of the BBS all together.
If that is indeed the case, then I recommend making the best of whatever time we have left, rather than spending it at each other’s throats needlessly.
Good points.
I have no ill will toward @tinoesroho, but I do think the archive is a bad idea.
I appreciate the sentiment, but I just feel it’s a bit misguided.
I apologize. I apologize for rushing to download posts in the first place. I apologize for posting and disregarding concerns for privacy. I apologize for worrying y’all. I apologize for even being in Regulars in the first place - I was accidentally promoted to Regular when I was unbanned.
That you really do not need to apologize at all for.
Here’s my opt-in: If any of my posts do appear in the single thread you partially managed to download, you have my permission to release those posts as part of any archive.
That’s fine; lots of folks seem to feel the same way and there’s nothing wrong with expressing that.
But some comments are going well beyond mere disagreement, and that’s not cool either.
We already have enough problems as it is without ‘adding gasoline to the fire.’
I don’t see the need for this archive effort. Please delete @garymon as well. Thank you.
True. But sometimes it’s really hard to get a point trough. And in this case it was really the point: “You mean well, but did you think about some privacy concerns? Like consent. Opt-in or opt-out? The security breach if such people data is at many computers? Etc.”
If the point could have been more easy made (it started in an other linked above topic) it had not been necessary to go this far.
No wuckas.
No need for that eh.
Imma miss some of the stuff there. And not just the personal shit either. Haircare advice. Photoshop tricks. Recipes.
But it’s gone. Let it die… and use the ashes as fertilizer.