Originally published at: Rest of imploded deep-sea sub found, with "presumed" human remains | Boing Boing
New end of life goal: do not die in a way that would cause a forensic examiner to use the phrase “presumed human remains.”
I was just thinking about the Titan Sub yesterday when I was waist deep in wallowing about Israel/Palestine news. It seems like a simpler time, when the moral of the Top Story of The Day was, “don’t be a libertarian asshole who scoffs at regulation” rather than “Humans apparently can’t fucking handle a situation this “complex” and the blood with continue to flow. A time machine would be nice, but it’s unclear that that would even help.”
I used to have big exit plans that involved a motorcycle, a bridge, and an obscene quantity of psychedelics. I’ve scaled back as I’ve gotten older; these days the only thing I want someone to say when gazing upon my unlovely, wizened corpse is, “Oh my, he looks so peaceful.”
That is a better dream, far cheaper, and easily achievable by simply not being a dick.
Let’s hear it for achievable goals!
And yet, so many people fail.
Well, there’s a spectrum. (A dicktrum? Maybe not.)
And I think there’s a section in the handbook about not self-certifying where you fall on the spectrum, but actively trying not to be a dick is a good start.
What’s the US Coast Guard/US Navy’s reason for involvement in this? (Other than Rich People.)
The Navy kinda has a thing about submarines and submersibles and stuff, and how to locate them.
Oh there are days when I fail. None of us are perfect. But at least the scale of my dickishness doesn’t result is multiple deaths. Or any deaths. Or even serious injury, so far.
Ah yes, Test Our Toys.
I kind of hope to go in such a way that the mortician has to worry about how they’re going to wipe the smirk off my face before the viewing.
Has anyone calculated the cost of the titanium tube that they should have used, to make this thing not fail?
That usually ends with the word “autoerotic” filled in the form. Followed by some particulars or other.
Expensive, but less than five human lives
I’m afraid what was really needed was a billionaire to cede authority to someone more knowledgeable. And that price tag is much higher.
Maybe it was someone’s lunch? Flatbread and sardines ?
“The purpose of the greased-up Twister mat is not clear, nor is it clear if the mat contributed to Brainspore’s untimely demise.”