Revenge porn shitweasel pleads guilty, admits he hacked victims' accounts

Last time this happened, somebody got onto their high horse and insisted that men get raped more often than women, citing prison rape as a primary component of said “argument.”

Waiting to hear from the MRA-red-pillers in 5…4…3…2…

When I finish my time machine you’ll be sorry…


What would the argument about who gets raped more even seek to prove? Why would one bother to make it? No one should be raped!


Given that ‘running revenge porn site’ has only fairly recently become something you can even do(much less something that Congress’ crack team of reactionary old guys can get their head around), I suspect that, even if it is illegal today, it almost certainly wasn’t for much of Moore’s time spent doing so, and punishment based on laws passed after the fact is constitutionally problematic.

Any hacking to gain access to images, though, almost certainly falls foul of several decades of fairly flexible law, and the charges probably stack nice and neatly.

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There are a lot of abuses that happen to prisoners, including women and especially trans people, and ESPECIALLY brown and black people. And that does indeed include rape. It’s just not the rapin’ spree that every “jokester” seems to imply. And it’s far more complicated than that, too. Women and reproductive rights while in prison, etc…


Seriously? This is not helpful. This is, in fact, part of the fucking problem and rather disturbing and disgusting. How ~edgy. You admit that you’re vindictive and ~edgy so it’s totally cool. No, it’s fucking not cool. Rape culture, what is it?


I’m suddenly responsible for rape culture? Please let me know how this happened.

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These things just happen. You walk down the street, minding your own business, and suddenly poof, and you are blamed for some society’s wrongness.


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And that’s worth the internet drama exactly… how?

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Fixed? Let me quote the relevant part of your statement, so that you can, in turn, quote mine: “…telling people that you hope somebody gets raped and the videotape widely disseminated…”

And here’s what I said, “…so if he does get raped in prison, maybe someone can videotape it…” etc etc.

The “Revenge porn shitweasel” I’m describing has declared his guilt in releasing revenge porn videos–I guess you missed the irony in my statement? Also, I missed the part where I said I hoped he’d be raped. In fact, I also missed the part where I said I was “totally against rape.” I’m quite curious to hear what else I’ve apparently said.

It goes without saying that somebody is engaging in a form of apophasis.

At any rate, I certainly hope that you do not get hit by a bus on the way home today, but if that does happen (and I hope it does not!) maybe somebody can get a clip of it up on Vine, 'cause that would make a totally awesome gif! Hopefully that won’t happen, though. 'Cause it would be terrible, and I do not support the driving of buses over people, not even you. 'Cause you’re nice. And I would not want your head mashed into a jelly-like pulp. And put up all over the internet for our amusement. I’d never wish for such a thing to happen, that would be contributing to a culture of which I am in direct opposition to! I just like gifs! They’re so… giffy! Your debasement, G-d grant that such a thing should never happen, would be such a cute li’l animation. So, be careful on your way home today. It would be a shame if anything happened to you.*

* But if it does, I hope we can see it! So cool! So ironic! Squeeee! Totes not supporting or encouraging bus-accidents, though, even though I am “petty, vindictive and vengeful”. I’m just a fun-loving guy, looking for some cool videos!

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Ah, well, there’s my mistake.

You have never said that you are against rape.

My apologies for thinking or suggesting you are.


Actually, security camera footage of such incidents is pretty good for safety instruction. Drives the point home better than any fake action.

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That’s not what I said.

Autopsy videos are also instructive, but perhaps not when disseminated via 8chan.

Are you aware that we’re all part of society and what is wrong with society? That includes me. And you.

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Oh, yes. The topic of rape and abuse and sexual assault is just “internet drama.” You certainly aren’t making light of this serious subject at all.

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Shortening, and keeping more directly on topic:

It is good the guy is going to jail, though I think hoping he is going to get raped his own self is contributing to the problem. The problem of people distributing personal information about other people online remains a major problem, and the offenders tend to be uncaught, though these sorts of cases do help as a sort of warning. The most serious of these cases is the concern anyone might have of throwing out photographs or video of themselves in intimate affairs, but the problem its’ self is as common as government spying on individuals en masse despite core laws against this, and companies sharing private information on individuals for money.

Mod note: Stay on topic