Revenge porn shitweasel pleads guilty, admits he hacked victims' accounts

From my own perspective, I have not studied the area enough to really comment besides pointing out what is well known:

Then why did you just vomit out a tl;dr self-centered screed that I am not going to bother to read?

From my skimming … yes, rape is a problem, and I never said otherwise. Context and nuance, please. Thanks.

Sorry, though the nastiness and bizarre judgment was unnecessary. I read fast and write fast, and was not paying attention. I have edited the comment to remain on topic.

The short of the initial response was simply in response to your comments about the prison system: yes, it has serious problems, but that is deeply tied to the over all problems of society in general. The problem of “revenge porn” is addressed here, on topic, and I believe that problem and its’ many different flavors is also not going anywhere. Main reason for that is because of a power focused culture that exists in many quarters of first world countries. Trust based relationships tend to take a nose dive in that manner of environment.

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