Rich people in California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania are to blame for dangerous anti-vaxx surge

If you apply it, it wrongs people. If you encourage people to imagine that course of action, they will see the future wrong coming to them, and try to avoid that.

What you said is like saying “yes, the sports car looks fast, but that doesn’t mean you can give it a ticket”. which is false, because it sure can earn one as soon as it acts fast.

A defense of a proposed course of action which hasn’t been acted on, as harmless, because ‘it’s only an idea, and ideas don’t hurt people’ is semantics. Boring.

I am too. I mean for you. And me. And when you want to join me in mutuality there we can have a civil society. What you describe strikes me as antisocial.

You can save your world, be responsible for it, and micromanage your life choices to ensure you’re not contributing to making other people unsafe.

The Devil doesn’t need advocates, certainly not pro bono.

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