RNC Chairman will proudly stand behind a convicted felon for President

Originally published at: RNC Chairman will back a felon for President


They support him because of all the crime, not in spite of it.


Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the self-described “party of law and order”.

the voters are looking at this, and they think there is a two-tiered system of justice.

Way to co-opt and twist a term describing an actual racist and classist phenomenon your party actively supports, Bizarro party chair.

No pushback or follow-up on any of these howlers from Dana Bash, I assume. Can’t endanger that access or the occasional cocktail party invitation.


The two-tiered system she’s trying to say exists is so easy to disprove, too. She’s trying to say it only targets Republicans. Meanwhile, Bob Menendez is under indictment, Eric Adams is under investigation by the FBI, and there’s a special prosecutor still trying to dig up something bad on Hunter Biden that would implicate Joe. The two-tiered system she’s trying to claim exists is pretty easy to debunk.


I do find it interesting she uses that term instead of what she’s really and (as you say) falsely claiming, which is “a politically motivated prosecution”. Whether it’s floating yet another BS term or cowardice or both I’m not sure.


Here’s the entire transcript from that show. The interview with McDaniel is about 2/3rds down. It is frustrating. Dana Bash, who usually is pretty decent, doesn’t push back against anything McDaniel says. Even the statement from McDaniel that “I’m not going to talk about candidates that are in a contested primary,” is such blatant bullshit because at the beginning of the interview, McDaniel was literally talking about what conman Vivek Ramaswamy said at the recent debate. And Bash didn’t call her out on that. Jesus, what a ridiculous softball interview. Read the whole thing. It’s so frustrating. Especially the part of the interview about abortion. Fuck, do your job, Bash! We need a reincarnation of Mike Wallace.


To be fair, Ronna knows that if she doesn’t support Trump, she’ll likely get killed.


No sympathy. She richly deserves to have leopards chowing down on her face.


I fear telejournalism might swing past blank stares, past deer-in-headlights, more & more toward “celebrity judge sits there with both hands on the desk, and mouth agape (as though they’re imitating an Edsel), when the Masked Singer is revealed.”


Republican voters see Trump as a political martyr, suffering unjust prosecution (persecution) for being so awesome. He’s like a Mirror Universe Nelson Mandela to them. He’s convinced them that these indictments (and hopefully convictions) are being suffered on their behalf by a corrupt system, just like our Lord and Savior Jesus endured. And there are millions who believe this. It’s really insane. Kurt Vonnegut couldn’t have written anything as nuts as our current reality.

Please register, vote, and encourage your friends to vote (yes, for Biden) in 2024. It’s up to each of us to make sure Trump and his coterie of delusional fascists never get anywhere near the White House again.


And you’re seeing that reflected in the polls.

So much of what is controlling national politics is due to accepting the polling as gospel. And it wouldn’t be at all surprising if many polls (inaccurate at best) were being actively manipulated/purchased by the usual suspects to give the impression that trump has far more unwavering support than he has -sigh-


In one case, not surprising at all.

Corporate media outlets love reporting on political polls. They’re easy and lazy with the sciencey sheen of the reporter having put actual thought and effort into the story.


Yes - I’m tired of so-called “journalism” that is nothing more than “I can report that somebody published something”. It’s no better than reproducing corporate marketing press releases with a journo’s byline.


So I am certainly not in favor of Trump becoming president but considering the opposite extreme of Eugene Debs, who was a founding member of the Industrial Workers Of The World and three iterations of the Socialist Party is interesting.

In 1918, a speech he gave denouncing the US’s participation in World War 1 got him arrested for sedition and thrown in jail for ten years; the last of his five runs for president was in 1920, from jail.

His peak run was in 1912, when he got a whole 6% of the vote.

Obviously there is a world of difference between a labor activist running on a Socialist platform and a rich man running on a White Supremacist platform. And it remains to be seen if the rich man can buy his way out of his charges of sedition; legal penalties are generally only for people who can’t afford enough lawyers.


Yes, I’m sure the RNC is eager to draw a comparison between Trump and Eugene V. Debs. /s

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Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the self-described “party of **lawlessness** and **ordure**”.

Fixed that for you.

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Turns out a lot of US citizens are nihilistic anarchists, without even knowing it!


It’s almost like their criticism of Clinton was disingenuous.


Given that this party includes Trump and Giuliani, I think it’s more the party of “lawn and hors d’oeuvres”.


I’m not sure standing in front of Trump is wise, he seems to have a nice selection of backstabbing knives.

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