Rob Ford: a night of drunk driving, racism, drugs, beating friends and demeaning his wife

Rob Ford isn’t displaying particularly good decision making or problem solving skills. I can’t believe he is the best candidate for Mayor.

Wow, he sure is a busy man. /s

I think Brainspore has the right of it. This is akin to comparing polyamorous people to polygamists. One group is based on the idea of sexual freedom within relationships, the other is a means to systematically oppress women.

The thing to take away from this article is that Rob Ford sounds like an awful husband. A couple who have sex with other partners is one thing; Ford pimping out his wife without asking her opinion in the matter is quite another.


Only on BoingBoing would someone make this allusion.

Ha! They’re probably so used to Ford’s antics that they’re totally apathetic at this point. :smile:

And be certain the distinction would be understood.


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